A lot of people dread speaking in public. But, just like any other fears, you can overcome this one too. In our article about public speaking success we share several secrets used by good public speakers.
12.01.2016 · From Andrew_Facebook
The use of French Learning CDS is common among many people in many parts of the world today. French language has been used worldwide and is still growing.
24.11.2011 · From someone
  To bring a page of written context to spoken life, presentation techniques are essential. To inject interest in the audience and build up a rapport use your body language to animate your presentati...
01.01.1970 · From Editor
  If you ‘have’ to or if you ‘want’ to make a eulogy speech so as to express your inner feelings you have, in public, for your near and dear one who has just left the world, then read this article. ...
01.01.1970 · From Editor
Can you think of any memorable talk or presentation you have ever attended? It is sad to know that most of the presentations are easy to forget, especially when the main reason behind the presentation...
01.01.1970 · From Editor
  Do you stammer when you have to speak in front of someone or a gathering? Then this article is meant for you. If you are looking forward to achieve fluency, read on. This article will interest ...
01.01.1970 · From Editor
You can reduce your fear of speaking in the public by simply adopting some of the following tips. Conduct a thorough research on your topic. To meet the expectation of the audience, visit or ...
01.01.1970 · From Editor
  Have you ever been put to sleep by a boring speaker? While you fight the urge to slip happily into your dreamland, your head is nodding though paying the least attention. Though many of you wil...
01.01.1970 · From Editor
  The deciding factor as to how your presentation is received by the audience is how you handle the questions put up by the audience. It becomes all the more important if you are pitching for busines...
01.01.1970 · From Editor
  To highlight the occasion, be it award ceremonies, conventions, alumni, fund raising, homecomings, commencement exercise etc., guest speakers are usually invited. Guest speakers are usually selecte...
01.01.1970 · From Editor
  Many people dread speaking in public and hence associate with panic attack. It is possible that they might have had an anxiety-producing public speaking experience. It has been noticed that people ...
01.01.1970 · From Editor
  It is easy to make presentations today, thanks to PowerPoint. In order to make the process of teaching and learning easy and fun filled, teachers and lecturers use presentations. Still there are pr...
01.01.1970 · From Editor
  Many people avoid and dread speaking in public. But like all other fears, we need to overcome this one too. It has been a common observation that many people tend to get nervous before and during t...
01.01.1970 · From Editor
To become a confident person, all one has to do is to eradicate the confidence killers. The self-defeating thought patterns can be called confidence killers. Many of us believe in these harmful suppos...
01.01.1970 · From Editor
  We need to build up our confidence from time to time. How we feel about ourselves has a lot to do with feeling confident. To feel confident, we should have this feeling that we can achieve the goa...
01.01.1970 · From Editor
WHAT IS PUBLIC SPEAKING?   Public speaking means to speak before a group of people in a structured manner with the purpose of entertaining or informing the audience. In public speaking, it is very im...
01.01.1970 · From himanshu09