Knowhow-Now Article

Improving Emotional Health To Battle Cancer

Fighting cancer can take every ounce of energy you've got; give yourself more of it by increasing your emotional health! These are steps everyone should be taking to reduce the impact of stress and negativity in life anyway, but you need all the help you can get; empower yourself to healing and battling cancer every day!

The more active you are in your own treatment, the better advocate for your care you will be. Always pay attention and stay on top of the situation. This is not the approach you should take to improve your health.

Tip: There are some realities of cancer that you will have to deal with, so it is better to accept that, and not try to avoid the inevitable. Preparing yourself mentally and physically is the key to winning this fight.

1. Find a really good listener. Being able to express your fears, doubts, regrets and so on can take a heavy burden off of your shoulders. Trust in a friend or relative, and really talk to them or seek the assistance of a professional therapists. This is a serious investment in your mental health and fighting cancer is no small task; empower yourself with a reliable outlet for emotional venting.

Help your loved ones who suffer from cancer by searching for people they can speak with. To find your loved one a support group, you could look on the Internet. This provides a great outlet for a cancer survivor to let out their emotions.

Tip: Do not go to any doctor who does not make himself available to discuss your condition in a timely manner. It is in your best interest to ask questions you may have as they come up.

2. Use art as therapy. Everyone has creative energy, even if you can barely draw stick-figures! Find your artistic passion and immerse yourself in it a few times a week. Sculpting strengthens hands and puts the power of creation right at your fingertips; get a chunk of clay and see what you come up with! Painting, drawing or even just redecorating your home with flair can all help you work out emotions and ease the burden of dealing with cancer; find your inner Picasso!

Keeping physically fit is great for your appearance and weight, but it also has many cancer fighting properties too. This means any activity that raises your heart rate and gets your sweating. This flushes toxins from your system and maintains your resistance to cancer.

Tip: Having someone else drive you as you go to and from appointments for your cancer treatment. Cancer treatments as well as the disease itself can be exhausting, increase your reaction times and limit how well you move.

3. Look toward the future. Having something to look forward to can distract you from today's negatives (like treatment or nausea!) and keep your spirits higher. Plan a weekend trip with an old friend of buy tickets to the play, concert or movie, and do it at least once a month. Find cheap things to do if money is tight, and make a point of catching up on things you've been meaning to get to; none of us do that enough these days!

It is important to be frank and honest when discussing your diagnosis. This is not a time to pretend that there is nothing wrong and isolate yourself from the necessary support of loved ones. Open lines of communication build sound bonds that are healthy and beneficial to all involved.

Tip: Prostate exams are essential to the prevention of cancer in men. Every many should visit the doctor at least once a year, and include a prostate exam in their check-up.

4. Get into working out. Exercise releases stress and makes you feel good about yourself; find your favorite routine or running spot and give it your all a few times a week. Use exercise to release all your anger, fear and frustration. Take it out on a punching bag or pound your emotions into ocean waves. Whatever method is most suitable to you personally, use it to vent, release and rejuvenate!

Know what the causes of cancer are, and learn how to know when you are at risk. Learning how to recognize signs and symptoms of cancer is the best way to prevent it.

Tip: If you have cancer, avoid consuming large amounts of sugar. Cancer cells thrive on sugar, so eliminating sugar from your diet can effectively starve cancer cells.

5. Meditate. There are many ways to fully relax the body and completely open the mind. Use yoga, music therapy or some form of peaceful marital art to relax and empower you. Use the time to alleviate stress, seek solutions and clear your head of all the confusion and negativity that cancer brings. Set your sights on higher spiritual ground, and use meditation to get there; visit often and use it wisely!

It helps to understand cancer symptoms in order to get an early diagnosis. Typical symptoms of colon cancer include bloody or increasingly thin stools and weight loss that can't be explained. Be sure to get checked out if you display these types of symptoms.

Tip: Be open and honest with others. If you need additional help to get through this difficult period in your life, bring the topic up gently with your loved ones.

6. Keep up your healthy ways for life. Even after treatment, and once remission becomes a regular part of your vocabulary, maintain your strong commitment to emotional health. Being a cancer survivor can be stressful too, especially living in the constant shadow of the disease returning. Commit to your mental health for the rest of your life and enjoy the benefits; you owe it to yourself and have certainly earned a right to that special place of enlightenment!

Remember that you still need exercise, even when you have cancer. Exercise will ensure that the blood flows properly through the body. Ideally, you should engage in activities that promote healthy circulation; this makes treatments more effective.

With greater emotional health comes greater physical stamina and power to heal, fight and overcome; use these tips to increase your ability to battle cancer and win every day of your life.

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