Knowhow-Now Article

Walking Your Way To Weight Loss

Walking is an exceptional way to shed those pounds that have been bothering you. Not only is it enjoyable, it is also low impact, and it burns arguably as many calories as running. You do, though, need to approach walking properly and with a sense of dedication. Below are some great tips to help you along the way.

Eating nutritionally balanced meals are key to keeping your walking energy up. Just like any other physical activity, walking burns calories and more of them than you may think. So it is important to give your body the well-balanced diet it truly needs. This is especially true after a long walking session. Make sure you give yourself enough fluids and proteins after walking to allow your muscles to hydrate and rebuild.

Just like in running, you need to stretch. You may be thinking, "This is walking. I do this every day and never stretch, so why start now?" Yes, walking for exercise has much less impact on your body, especially your joints, than running, but it is still an endurance exercise. Your muscles will benefit from being loose prior to beginning an extended walk, and you will feel much less tight along the way!

Make sure you include a few minutes of warming up and cooling down before any power walking. To get the most out of power walking, you need to give your body periods of adjustment in and out of the sessions. This will help keep you from cramping as well as stave off any potential injuries due to your body not being prepared for the exercise. Cooling down at the end of the walk helps your body readjust and relax prior to stretching.

Spice up your walking by visiting new places. Pull out a local map and create walking treks that introduce you to locations in your neighborhood that you have never seen before. You could even take short drives to walk in areas in your region that are of real interest to you. You will keep your dedication strong by keeping your mind interested and engaged with the new scenery.

If you have a dog, take an extended walk with him or her every day. This is a terrific way to increase your overall fitness. When you dedicate yourself to your pet's health, you will more apt to get out there and walk no matter how you may be feeling otherwise. Plus, you'll get the additional benefit of a dog that loves you even more!

Choose supportive and comfortable shoes, and change them out periodically. Walking comfort comes down to the shoes you wear. If your shoes have no built-in support, you'll have all sorts of feet issues as you increase your walking. Make sure you also measure the mileage on your shoes. Even the sneakers with the best walking support out there wear down over time. Quite often, injuries occur simply because walkers were wearing sneakers that no longer had the support they once had. As a rule, purchase new walking shoes every 500 miles. This will help keep your feet and knees in the best shape possible.

Use the tips given above, and you will soon see that walking is an engaging and enjoyable way to burn lots of calories. Begin today. All it takes is stepping out the door to get started, and soon you will experience a healthier you!

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