Browse Articles By Tag: dermabrasion
The best stretch mark remedy is time. Eventually, your stretch marks will fade and get thinner. The only quick pregnancy stretch mark remedy is also a controversial one – laser surgery. Learn more about pregnancy stretch mark removal here!
29.07.2016 · From TheAuthor
The job of every celebrity is to look good no matter the weather, and they usually keep their secrets for the perfect look. However, some of them like sharing their secrets and that is why we have some insight in their beauty treatments.
22.04.2016 · From Elise
Daily exfoliation and application of Vitamin E oil is an effective way to fade acne scars cheaply at home. Most people do not want to spend a lot of money on something cosmetic and this is a very safe way.
20.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
Some acne scar removal options are dermabrasion, collagen injections, steroid injections, laser treatment, radiotherapy, or chemical peels. Some treatments may not completely remove all scars but the appearance of most of them will lessen dramatically.
20.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
The cost of microdermabrasion can be categorized under three general levels: at-home, health spas and salons, and medical practices. Each category also varies in price. Let’s explore the at-home cost of microdermabrasion first.
20.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
Dermabrasion is an ablative surgery procedure, which physically abrades the epidermis and dermis of your skin in a controlled fashion using a fine wire brush or a diamond fraise. As a surgery procedure dernabrasion needs a lot of care before and after. (...)
20.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
Acne, commonly called pimples, is an inflammatory disease of the skin. It is caused by changes in the pilosebaceous. The most common form of acne is known as "acne vulgaris", which means "common acne". (...)
20.06.2012 · From TheAuthor