Browse Articles By Tag: paranormal
There are people who make a living out of finding the truth and hunting down ghostly creatures. Ghost hunting experts do not hunt ghosts because they want to make money out of it, but because it is their passion. You can be a ghost hunter too!
11.01.2016 · From Andrew_Facebook
Ghost hunting videos are placed on ghost hunting websites to be viewed by millions of users. Websites make money every time a person logs on and clicks on the videos of ghost hunting. Many people are trying their best to make ghost hunting videos
17.07.2015 · From TheAuthor
A ghost hunter needs the proper ghost hunting equipment in order to catch ghostly beings as well as catch them on video. Verifying the presence of paranormal beings is not easy, but with the help of modern technology it is possible.
17.07.2015 · From TheAuthor
"The excerpt in the opening page of Waxing, before all the credits and the title page, was fantastic! That little enticing excerpt compelled me to read on with energy. This compact, 204 page fiction could be classified as a paranormal romance fantasy... Contrary to many stories involving werewolves …
10.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
Some Enchanted Autumn by Linda Andrews is an excellent gift idea for the Halloween season. Vampires, skeletons, spiders, witches… they are all here – but this is definitely not a children’s book...
10.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
This is a perfectly titled alternative lifestyle romance novel...
10.06.2012 · From TheAuthor