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Joy Mali
United States
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When your personal identity information like your name, social security number, credit card number is being accessed by someone else without your information—a crime known as as identity theft
27.04.2012 · From safetyweb
In a world where information about you is no more than a click away, privacy online has become one of the most essential requirements today. Most users prefer to have access to all the perks of the Internet without the hassle of being identified.
20.04.2012 · From safetyweb
Social network privacy has become one of the most and essential topics today. Since the creation and increasing popularity of social networking sites, the issues related to social network identity theft and employment are consistently on the rise.
20.04.2012 · From safetyweb
Identity theft is a rampant, social problem, which requires meticulous investigation to be able to detect it. Follow these steps and ensure your identity is secured.
09.04.2012 · From safetyweb
The world is totally engaged with a variety of online applications and most people’s personal and professional activities are being carried out online.
02.04.2012 · From safetyweb
Identity theft is the act of stealing your identity so that information such as passwords, bank details, social security numbers or anything similar can be used by another.
15.03.2012 · From safetyweb
It’s easy to protect yourself from the potential harm that cyber attacks can bring. But if you had to ensure the Internet security of your entire family, is it still something that you can do effectively?
16.02.2012 · From safetyweb
Social networking has always been a big draw for today’s youth--it’s a fun and interactive way to keep in touch with friends and family and makes it very easy to keep yourself up to date with whatever is going on.
24.01.2012 · From safetyweb
Advancements in technology may have paved the way for ease and convenience for almost everything that we do; but with it comes escalating security risks online.
18.01.2012 · From safetyweb
Identity theft is a widespread crime, preying on thousands of innocent people worldwide. With increase in cyber crimes everywhere, protecting sensitive information online is thus mandatory.
11.01.2012 · From safetyweb