Knowhow-Now Article

With the cost of education rising faster than salaries, many families simply can't afford the expense of activities after school. Consequently, we're seeing more children being babysat by television and a disturbing rise in the number of kids getting into trouble during those unsupervised hours between school letting out and parents getting home from work. To curtail this trend, many community groups are offering low cost, after-school activities for kids, which are designed to keep them entertained and productive until their parents can pick them up. In this article, we'll look at some of these programs and where you can find them in your community.

Sports are popular activities after school, but the cost of membership fees, uniforms and equipment puts organized sports out of the reach of a lot of families. Smart shopping can save you a lot of money. Instead of enrolling your child in a league, check your local community center for martial arts, swimming or aerobics, as they offer programs at a much lower cost than leagues. You can also look into buying equipment off season or used equipment. The Salvation Army, Goodwill, and Play It Again Sports are gold mines of used sports equipment in good shape. You should also speak to coaches. They may be able to make suggestions for purchasing used uniforms and equipment.

For music lovers, there are also many ways to cut costs. Instead of purchasing a new, expensive instrument that your child may lose interest in, consider renting or look into your school's leasing program. Some music stores subsidize school art programs by providing leases that you can pay for on a monthly basis. This pay-as-you-go method is ideal for a child who is learning an instrument for the first time. If you find that they don't enjoy it, you simply discontinue the lease. Many music and second-hand stores also offer used equipment and sheet music at discounted prices.

Membership fees and tuition make up a large portion of the cost of extra-curricular activities. If one-on-one lessons are too expensive for your family, then there are more affordable alternatives. Organizations like the Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Scouts, YMCA, YWCA, and Little Leagues offer inexpensive membership fees and activities at a very low cost.

If you are looking for activities after school for younger children, check out your local church, community center or library for play classes with small fees. Some offer kids crafts or other programs for free and they are fun and well supervised. For older kids, volunteering their time for a worthy charity or organization is an excellent option. Community run programs are always looking for volunteers and the activity looks great on college applications.

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