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People with a facility for communication or the gift of gab will never run out of money these days if only they know how to find work online. The Internet offers huge writing opportunities and anyone who has the skill or talent to string words can definitely make money.
Categories: Business 
19.11.2015 · From Andrew_Facebook
In this How To we are going to show you with a video and step by step instructions how to apply a really good base for your cosmetics. Now, skin prep is key so you need to exfoliate three times a week and use a really good moisturiser. For a great base, you need foundation...
Categories: Cosmetics Beauty 
01.07.2015 · From TheAuthor
False lashes can make a really big difference on a night out and add impact but they can be a little fiddly to apply so in a few simple steps using a video demonstration, we're going to show you how easy it can be.
Categories: Cosmetics Beauty 
01.07.2015 · From TheAuthor
Step by step video and instructions teaching how to tie a Double Windsor Knot (often called the full Windsor) using the "tie hole" method. Look smart for that job interview or graduation. Tying a good knot in a necktie is a skill worth having for life!
Categories: Fashion For Men 
01.07.2015 · From TheAuthor
In this "How To" we are going to show how to use a brown eyeliner pencil to obtain a lovely soft daytime look. Check out the video showing the technique and the step by step instructions
Categories: Beauty Cosmetics 
27.06.2015 · From TheAuthor
Latest Featured Tutorial
In this "How To" we are going to show how to use a brown eyeliner pencil to obtain a lovely soft daytime look. Check out the video showing the technique and the step by step instructions
Categories: Beauty Cosmetics 
27.06.2015 · From TheAuthor
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