Knowhow-Now Article

How A Golf Exercise DVD Can Save You Time And Improve Your Game

Using a golf exercise dvd is a great alternative to going to a gym or just relying on yourself for motivation and consistency. Golfers are now finally realizing that exercise dvds aren’t just for the ladies anymore.

Tip: Instead of buying clubs that other people like, you should get a set that works for you. While there will always be expensive options out there for those seeking the absolute best equipment, it is possible to play a great round of golf with low-cost clubs.

The dvd craze has caught on with golfers of all ages and abilities. Golf instruction dvds have been very popular, but now golf exercise dvds are coming into their own.

Tip: Your body is important to golf. Not only your arms, but also your torso will serve as your powerhouse.

What you should look for in a golf exercise dvd is several things. Simple and easy demonstrations of every golf exercise. This is separate from the workout component of the golf exercise dvd. You want a menu that is user-friendly and easy to move around to the different sections of the golf exercise dvd.

Tip: For maximum contact, accuracy and distance, you need to ensure that your club's face is hitting the golf ball as squarely as possible. This way, the ball can move in a straight fashion.

The most important component is the golf exercise workout itself. What I’m referring to is ‘plug-and-play’. You should be able to insert the golf exercise dvd and have the golf fitness trainer take you through the entire workout from start to finish. Just as if he were there with you.

Tip: If you want to hit a good fade, tighten up your grip. Your swing grip is among the most highly misunderstood facets of the golf game.

My wife and I have seen hundreds of exercise dvds that do not take you through the entire routine. They are pieced together and leave you trying to figure out what to do with it.

Tip: Before you play more golf, look up discounts you may get by going to a different course. Discounts are often available online, or by request at a golf store.

Be wary of a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach. This is not what you want. You want to be lead through a golf exercise routine that is suitable for your current level of fitness, age and abilities.

Tip: One key piece of advice for your golf swing is to focus on using your hips to shift your weight forward as you make impact with the ball. Your ball will travel further with this method because your swing will pack more power.

If your starting point is a little lower, then a golf fitness dvd that is more challenging will only promote you to fail. I’ve seen this time and time again.

Tip: You will eventually find the best stance for you. Standing properly is vital dependent upon your size, gender, and height.

On the other hand, if you are an experienced exerciser, you want a golf exercise dvd that is more challenging than a beginner (novice) one. One that will challenge your core stabilization, balance, coordination and muscular endurance.

This may sound like a lot to think about, but making the right choice will dictate the ultimate success of your program. So make sure to thoroughly read over all the information pertaining to that golf exercise dvd.

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