Knowhow-Now Article

Use Google Hangouts To Build And Cultivate Relationships, Grow Your Business And Much More!


For medium and small online businesses, Google Hangouts offers a tremendous opportunity.a connected world

If you haven't used Google Hangouts yet, we strongly recommend that you do some research and check it out.

Imagine being able to be in the same room that everyone else is in, and getting to see their faces, interact with them and have a way to instantly start building relationships.

Imagine having the ability to collaborate and interact in a meeting with prospective customers, business partners or co-workers?

You'll be able to present more effectively than you ever have, show product designs, artwork proofs and files you have worked on.

The power behind Google Hangouts comes from it integrating so well with existing powerful apps.

You also have the ability to show people your computer screen on a Hangout.

You may be thinking that many software systems already do that.

Well you're right.  However, even though other systems do allow you to do that, Google Hangouts is integrated with the very powerful social networking of Google and their app system.  Also, Google Hangouts is free, which does make a huge difference.

Also, Hangouts is compatible with a majority of desktop and mobile devices.  I have tested different systems and most of them have a tendency to only be compatible with Macs and PCs.

So, many devices can access Google Hangouts.  In the end, that means more prospective customers and people for you to interact with.  That is huge for business owners!

How would you like to have your live Google Hangouts on YouTube?  Well you now have a complete system (conversions and traffic) that fully integrates with YouTube.

Whether you are planning on using Google Hangouts for a website, blog, church, non-profit organization or business, we have a video series that will show you exactly how to use Hangouts correctly and maximize your use of this system.


Here is a more detailed listing of our 10-part video series:


Video 1: Introduction

We will introduce you to the Google Hangouts system in this video.  We will also provide a brief overview of the entire video course so that you can clearly understand what to expect while we are implementing the system and show you how to effectively use Google Hangouts.  We will show you how the system works as a whole, what tools are needed to effectively use Hangouts to drive traffic and market your business.


Video 2: Tops Ways to Increase Your Conversions And Traffic Using Hangouts

Would you like to learn how this Hangouts system can drive traffic, convert traffic and help make sales for your business?  In this video, that's what we will cover.  Hangouts is a way to instantly build relationships.  Once you've gone through this video, you will have a clear understanding of how this system can be used effectively to help your business grow.


Video 3: Get Started With Google Hangouts

This video will help you get off to a good start with Hangouts.  We will cover the basics like how to join Google Hangouts, how others can be invited, how to use Circles effectively, and so much more.


Video 4: Technical Setup

Before jumping into using our Google Hangout System right away, there is some equipment you're going to need, like a webcam and good microphone.

If you are going to use this system for a professional or business reason, then it's a good idea to have the proper equipment.  That way you'll come looking professional instead of an amateur.

These days, unfortunately people do tend to judge books by their covers.


Video 5: Overview Of Hangouts Features

We will provide you with an overview of the the Google Hangouts feature that are most used in this video.  Pay close attention to them because they they can have a big impact on how to effectively use this system.


Video 6: Chat

It is very important to understand how to effectively communicate with people in Hangouts.  We will be covering how our system works at the communication level, including how to effectively use messaging shortcuts, blue boxing and other features.


Video 7: Hangout's Screen Share And Capture Feature

Google Hangouts also comes with the screen share and capture features.  They are very powerful features and compare favorably with other webinar systems.  However, Hangouts allows you to share your computer screen with many other people and so much more.

Picture being able to communicate and collaborate with business partners, employees, co-workers and professionals in presentations, meetings, interviews and more.

So when should this feature be used and how can it be used in the right way that helps your business grow?  We will answer that question in this video.


Video 8: Google Drive And Apps

In the previous video, I mentioned briefly the ability to collaborate with other individuals and groups.  Now just imagine taking this to the next level using the Google Drive system, social networking system, app system and more.  This alone I believe makes the Google system very powerful.  In fact, if Google Hangouts didn't have this system, it would merely be another of the many webinar systems that are so readily available.


Video 9: Security And How To Control Your Hangout

It is very important to control your Google Hangout.  I will cover the basics in this video, including securing, blocking and muting your Hangout.  Of course you want to ensure that your Hangouts are enjoyable.  However, at times there will be problems that you will have to deal with.  In these situations, you need to be proactive and make sure your webinar is secure and safe from abusers.


Video 10: Put Your Live Google Hangouts Onto YouTube

In addition to learning how to maximize your use of Google Hangouts, wouldn't you like to know how to get your live Hangouts onto your YouTube channel?  It is very powerful and can be an very important source of a huge amount of traffic coming from the YouTube system.


For more information about getting this video training and access to a whole onlne college of Internet Marketing training drop by Marketers College to learn MUCH more!

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