Knowhow-Now Article

Improve Your Golf Performance With These 5 Tips

Improve your golf performance. Is that always on your mind? When you go out to golf you’re hoping for a good round. I know I do.

Tip: Every club contains a "sweet spot," which is where the face will strike the ball with greatest accuracy. You should practice with your clubs to identify the sweet spot of each, and remember to bring the spot into contact with the ball at the absolute extremity of your downward swing.

How often does your outcome match what you hoped for? Do you usually shoot the scores you had envisioned before you teed off? If not, do you ever evaluate where and how you could have saved strokes and avoided those blow up holes?

Tip: A great suggestion for beginning golfers is to make certain of the tee height. Your drives won't be as efficient as they should be if the tee height isn't what it needs to be.

I’ve got 5 easy tips for you to implement immediately that will improve your golf performance by shaving 4-6 or even more strokes off your score the next time you play. Give them a try and see what happens. Here they are:

Tip: For the golfers to come, once you have hit a long-distance ball, repair any divot marks on the turf before you continue on. Sometimes the force of a ball hitting the grass causes holes or dips.

1. First off you’ve got to put the proper fuel in your body before you leave home. Most golfers don’t give it a second thought. They either don’t eat at all before they leave home or they eat something that is not going to give them the long-term energy they’re hoping for.

Tip: When playing golf, do not be so serious. Mistakes happen and being able to laugh at yourself will not only help you recover from these mistakes, but it will also help to relax you.

So whether it’s lunch or breakfast before you leave you need to consume a complex carbohydrate and a good protein source. This combination will warrant the best use of your energy for the long haul.

Tip: Address the ball by having your left hand in front of it when you putt. Keep this position during your stroke to maintain proper form.

An example for breakfast would be a bowl of oatmeal and a couple of egss with a piece of fruit or a juice. For lunch you could have a turkey sandwich on whole wheat with a piece of fruit. Lot’s of lettuce on the sandwich and try to avoid mayonnaise or butter.

Tip: You do not need to crank your backswing to the limit in order to get maximum power. By taking your backswing too far, you run the risk of shifting your stance away from what you need to produce a solid golf shot.

2. The second tip is to properly warm up your body before you even hit your first ball. I see so many golfers show up 5 minutes before tee time, hack a few balls and head to the first tee. Those golfers are headed for a double bogey right off the bat - but hey they’re just getting “warmed up” right?

A better approach is to give yourself at least 30 minutes before your tee time. First do some dynamic (movement oriented) stretches to prepare your body to perform.

Tip: It's important to know how each club works for your shots. Wedges, irons, and woods all have distinct purposes.

Things like arm circles, partial squats, toe touches, etc. Then take some half swings with a 7 iron. Now after that you’re ready to hit some wedges. You’ll find with this approach your hits on the range will be much better, which will build your confidence.

Tip: Consider getting custom-fitted when buying a club. The right golf club needs to be suited to your weight, height, and body structure.

3. Drink lots of water even before you leave your house. Try to consume up to a gallon of Water before you get to the course. This will help you absorb and digest your pre-game meal and hydrate your muscles for optimal performance.

Don’t take this lightly.

Tip: You don't need a golf cart on the course when you can walk instead. Golfers who walk significantly increase their physical exertion and, therefore, the health benefits they enjoy from golfing.

Dehydration causes energy loss, lack of focus and concentration and fatigue later in the round. And remember, that’s before you even come to the course. Once you get their you should be drinking water every hole.

Tip: When you do find a sand trap, make sure you take into consideration other golfers that come after you. After swinging in a sand trap, rake the sand before you move on.

4. Don’t wait ‘til you get tight to stretch on the course. You should be constantly moving your body and stretching your joints while you play. I see and hear too many golfers complaining of tight lower backs or shoulders during the round, What amazes me is that with all that complaining they do nothing about it.


Tip: You should make sure you find the appropriate set of clubs for your game. Wooden clubs were used in the beginning of golf history.

Think of your body as a machine. If the machine starts to break down – fix it. I mean stretch those areas while you’re playing. You’ll see a big difference in your swing mechanics late in the round.

Tip: If you need to perfect a fade shot, tighten your grip. People often do not fully understand the importance of proper grip.

5. Snack while you play. No I don’t mean the full meal at the turn with a beer. I mean bringing fruit and nutrition bars to eat every 4-6 holes. When you supply your body with the proper nutrients your energy levels stay balanced and you will avoid those mental lapses late in the round.

Tip: When golfing, you need to constantly be paying attention. You should always be ready, when it it your turn, to take a shot.

How many times have you had a good score only to blow up late in the round? I’ll bet more than a couple of times. I know I have. Treat your body like a Ferrari not a Ford Pinto.

These tips if applied, will definitely improve your golf performance!

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