Knowhow-Now Article

Lower Your Golf Score Off The Course

To lower your golf score, you’ve got to put some time in. This is the main reason golfers quit the game. Golf is a very challenging game that requires intense concentration, skill, and many physical attributes.

One approach to lower your golf score is one that is off the course and does not involve swinging a club, taking lessons or buying more gimmicky training aids.

Tip: Be sure your club is about square to your ball when you hit it. Doing so will allow the ball to travel along a straighter path.

The approach I’m talking about is working on your “machine” to produce a repeatable golf swing for 18 holes. Are you currently capable to maintain a mechanically sound swing for the entire round? If you are honest in answering that question, I’ll bet your answer is no.

Tip: From one game to the next, your drives should always be made from tees that are at the same height. A grounder is often the result of a low tee.

The biggest frustration I hear from golfers all over the world is they hit balls, take lessons and have the latest/greatest equipment and still can’t lower their golf score. In regards to golf improvement, the above scenario has eliminated everything but the MOST important component.

Your BODY!

Tip: Keep your arms strong but flexible to get more from your swing. Workout, stretch, relax, and get massages whenever you are able.

Golf is an athletic movement that requires strength, flexibility, balance, coordination, stability, timing and many other elements. If your body is physically limited…you’ll have a minimal chance at playing to your potential.

Tip: Play with others who are your same level. This can help your confidence.

Just think if you put 20 minutes into a golf training routine in your home with minimal equipment. No grunting. No groaning. No pain. Just simple golf exercises that will make a dramatic, and almost immediate impact on your golf game and score.

Tip: Grip the club really tightly to intentionally fade the ball. One of the least understood parts of golf is how the grip impacts the swing.

I have seen so many “so-called” fitness books and videos that show golfers using machines in a gym. This is not what I’m talking about. And this is not golf fitness training. Anytime you sit on a machine that isolates one muscle group, you will not improve your game.

Tip: When considering buying a second-hand golf club, be sure to take a close look at the club head. Clubs which have been used profusely usually have a worn, shiny spot.

What I’m talking about is using hand weights, a stability ball and some exercise tubing with handles. All very inexpensive and perfect for improving your golf game. The only catch is you need the right exercises to go along with this affordable equipment.

Tip: To really get a powerful swing going, you need to utilize the muscles in your whole body, especially the legs and trunk. Swing your body like a whip when you swing and get power from your lower body.

I’ve heard horror stories of golfers who have lifted weights and said their game got worse. This is a problem! You’ve got to do exercises that will train your body to make a stable, mechanically sound golf swing for 18 holes.

Once you realize golf is an athletic sport that requires both golf-specific strength and flexibility, you’ll become a believer in training your body off the course to lower your golf score.

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