Knowhow-Now Article

Play Better Golf Now

To play better golf is the lifelong pursuit of every golfer on the planet. Why else would we subject ourselves to one of the most humbling games (sport) ever?

I mean, how many times have you come off the course ready to give it up?

I’m dead serious!

You drive home saying never again! But…you go to the range the next day, or even the same day, after you’ve cooled down.

Man, what a glutton for punishment! Just hours before, you got totally humiliated, and now you’re back for more.

The vicious cycle a golfer goes through every season.

So let me guess. You’ve bought equipment (lots of it). Taken lessons. And pound hundreds of balls every week.

Am I close?

The 6 million dollar question is…have you gotten better? Are you happy with your game? Are you driving it as far as you’d like?

If not, what now?

There’s only one thing left.


Tip: Don't take golf too seriously. All sports contain mistakes, and this is no different.

You’re body is keeping you from the game of your dreams. The game you know you’re capable of playing. Doesn’t that make sense? If you’ve tried all the above and still are not satisfied.

Here’s what you have to do…immediately!

Tip: Put your entire body into your swing to give it force. Novices tend to have the belief that strength is drawn primarily from the arms; however, using arms alone generates nothing but weak, ungainly swings.

Diagnose your limitations. Is it strength? Is it flexibility? Or how about stamina? You know it’s a strength issue, if your swing mechanics are good, but you’re not hitting the ball any amount of distance.

Tip: A simple way to spot possible problems with your golf stance is to use the toe-wiggle procedure. If wiggling your toes is hard to do when you swing, it will show they are leaning too far into the ball.

It’s a flexibility issue if you if you can’t perform consistent swings with proper mechanics. And it’s obviously a stamina issue if your back nine is worse than your front nine.

Tip: If your next round includes strangers as playing partners, introduce yourself first. Golf's a social occasion as much as it is a sport, and you are going to be with those around you for the next several hours.

Once you come up with your personal limitations, you’ve got to set up a program, or search one out that will get you on the right track and not hurt your game.

Tip: Be certain you are standing correctly to get the right golf swing. Your position is usually an indicator of where the ball will go.

Working on your limitations will get you the quickest results, in the shortest amount of time. You’ll be amazed at how much better your swing is and how much farther you’re hitting the ball.

Your golf will become enjoyable again, and you’ll wonder why you didn’t take this approach years ago.

Remember, it’s NEVER too late to start!


So get to it right now and start to play better golf!

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