Knowhow-Now Article

Posture For A Powerful And Consistent Golf Swing

Many professional golf instructors refer to golf posture as “spine angle.” If you’ve taken lessons or have spent much time learning proper technique to improve your game, you have most likely heard the phrase many times. Good posture for the golf swing can greatly influence your ability to produce power. Without stability of your posture, a powerful and effective golf swing is very difficult and can result in injury and strains.

Tip: Whether you're playing nine holes or eighteen, make sure the game keeps moving at a steady pace. The groups behind yours may become frustrated by excessive delays or slow play.

Good functional posture improves your swinging action and lets you transfer more force in your ball strike. Body structure and posture are unique traits, but an improper golf swing can cause certain muscle imbalances. These imbalances might not be obvious until they cause a disruptive physical problem.

Tip: If you are short on practice time, concentrate on your short game. Append your primary goal into becoming better with your chipping abilities, and your accuracy with the putter.

The body slowly adapts to poor posture, and some body parts, like the neck, shoulder, back, and hip, may be overused to balance for loss of motion in other areas of the body. By performing a few simple exercises regularly, however, you can improve and maintain good posture and thus improve your swinging power.

Tip: Each golf club in existence has it's own "sweet spot." When you hit your ball squarely with the sweet spot on the face of the club, your ball takes off with perfect accuracy.

The goal of exercise for posture is to improve both static and dynamic balance to develop functional stability during the swing. The postural muscles are located throughout the body. The primary role of these muscles is to hold the skeletal system and joint structures in proper alignment so the larger and stronger muscles can produce the desired body movements while keeping good balance.

Tip: Take a deep breath before hitting the ball. This will calm you down and help you focus on addressing the ball.

Some common problems that are affected by posture are:
o Difficulty keeping your eye on the ball during your swing.
o Difficulty to transfer force from the lower body to the upper body.
o Compromised swing patterns.
o Poor club head speed and club control.

Tip: Practice, practice, practice will lead you to avoid slicing the ball. When your club comes through the ball improperly, it can be prone to spinning wildly off to the right.

By performing a golf fitness routine on a regular basis, you will increase overall muscle strength, balance, and flexibility. All of these contribute to your ability to maintain an effective golf posture for a powerful golf swing no matter what the lie.

Commit yourself to proper preparation through strength and flexibility exercises designed to address current muscle imbalances and you’ll unleash a whole new level of play.

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