Knowhow-Now Article

Tiger Woods Golf Swing

Tiger Woods golf swing is one that creates a lot of power and sometimes gets him into trouble. Without a doubt…being the number one golfer in the world, his Tigers golf swing is pretty good wouldn’t you say?

What is the KEY to achieving a similar swing to Tigers?

Tip: When you are swinging, you may notice a slip in your hand-to-club connection. This may or may not be caused by an old golf glove.

There is a couple of things right off the top that any golfer no matter age or ability can accomplish given a little bit of “off the course” training on your body!

Tip: To cut back the costs of golfing, seek out area discounts before the next time you go to play a game. You can find such discounts through a variety of means, including hitting the web, calling pro shops, or even actually looking at those junk mail circulars you get every week.

Rotate with your body.
Tiger does this with the strength of his core. By developing a stronger core from a rotational standpoint, you will add many yards to your drives. A term for this is “staying-connected” throughout the golf swing.

Tip: When you are putting, you should address the ball with your left hand ahead of the ball. Maintain proper posture and hand position throughout your swing.

Tiger always fights his lower body getting way ahead of his upper body during the downswing (getting “stuck”), so he tries to keep his arms and club in front of his chest for as long as he can. This promotes a better sequence for the downswing, which puts him at impact in a very powerful position.

Tip: When you hit the ball, the club's face needs to be square to it. The ball will travel on a straight line if you get this right.

There are many drills you can do to achieve this body rotation. Sticking a towel under both armpits while you swing a wedge is one way. If the towel drops, your arms have become disconnected from your body.

Tip: If you're limited to when, where, or how often you get the opportunity to practice, spend more focus on improving your short game. For example, chipping and putting are skills you should work on.

Swing through to a full finish.
You’ll notice on most of Tigers shots he is fully rotated in the finish position. Only when he is hitting a punch or knock-down shot does he not have a full finish. This is an indicator Tiger is swinging through the ball, not just hitting at it.

Tip: Instead of struggling to try to overcome the problem, just figure out a way to work around it. Not only could it work out to your advantage, your playing style will continue to be unique.

When you focus on swinging through the ball, you’ll find your distance will increase, as well as your fairways hit off the tee. For most of us amateurs, the “hit” instinct is something we fight all the time.

Tip: When swinging the golf club, quickly move your hips. This will enable you to easily shift your weight between your front foot and your back foot.

It’s so easy to say we all can’t have Tiger Woods golf swing and that is partly true. But applying the above two movements to your swing will do wonders.

The only thing left is working on your body “off the course”.

Tip: If you fail to distribute your weight properly when swinging the ball, resulting in your center of gravity being off when you hit the ball, think more like a baseball player when practicing at the driving range. You can figure out how your body should be transferring energy and weight throughout your body when you practice different swings at different distances.

Golf is no longer viewed as just a leisure game. It is an athletic movement that demands a higher level of conditioning specific to golf if you want to play your best!

So don’t try to copy it, but think about the common parts you can do…and you’ll at least look like you have Tiger Woods golf swing!

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