Knowhow-Now Article

Web Design Strategies That Actually Work

Without a doubt, one of the most important aspects of Internet marketing is to do professional web design. Of course, this means that you should have professional graphics, an excellent template to represent your products and services, and a logo that is representative of your company. However, one thing that many people overlook when creating a website is to realize that web design is not all about the physical appearance. You need to take into account the actual design of the site as the search engines see it in order to monetize your website accordingly. We are not talking about HTML or the template that you use for your WordPress theme. We are referencing something that is much more important, and that can either make or break your efforts to succeed with online marketing. In this article, we will present web design strategies that actually work at moving you toward your goal of earning a living online.

Instead of looking at your website as a place to showcase your products, you should actually think about it in a completely different way. It really is a place where people visit, make decisions, and ultimately purchase whatever it is you have to offer. But unless those people can actually find you, you are never going to make a single sale. You can pay for advertising to drive targeted traffic, however this can get very expensive and cut into your overall revenues very quickly. You can also try to drive traffic using a variety of other means including backlinking, article submissions, and many other techniques in order to improve your daily and monthly revenues. But what you really need to focus upon is the website itself and how the search engines actually see it with their eyes.

Tip: Avoid using clashing, loud colors when designing your website. Make text visible against the background hues.

Every website on the Internet is crawled by the search engines. They send out little bots or spiders to all of the websites to see what they are about. This is a literal statement, in that they are sifting through all of your information, specifically the articles that you have posted, in order to make a determination as to where to rank your website in their search engine. What they find what ultimately lead to a high-ranking, or put you in a place where you will never be found at all. The key to generating free traffic from search engines is actually based upon the web design that you choose, and this web design requires simplicity and speed.

In the world of Internet marketing, the faster your website loads, the more viable it is. Although content is very important, if the visitor cannot see your website for 5 to 10 seconds because it cannot load any faster, they will simply go away. This provides a very bad experience for the user. Therefore, if you can use a template in HTML or a WordPress theme that loads exceedingly fast, and provide exceptional content with your products and services, you are bound to be extremely successful with your Internet marketing.

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