Thefitfem's articles
So I was thinking…I hear a lot of excuses about how busy people are and how they have zero time to include a workout in. Well, here's me thinking outside the box. How about during your down time, after work, or when you watch your morning news, incorporate fitness while watching TV?
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
I'm about to share with you Albert Einstein's secret formula to weight loss….it's top secret and only my elite Fit Fem'rs get access to this kind of information. Want to know the secret to weight loss and peak fitness?
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
Do you know about TRX suspension workouts? No worries if you don't, it's a fairly new popular workout for those who have physical trainers, or are trainers themselves, or those who frequent the gym.
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
For a total body cardio conditioning and strengthening, perform the following exercises in this particular order for 40 seconds of continuous workout and 20 seconds rest in between each boot camp exercise.
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
Happy Humps Day!! It's Wednesday and it's time to tackle one of those issues that drive us ladies CRAAAZYYYY....sugar addiction! Cookies, cakes, brownies, icecream, candy, soda, frappuccinos, ahhh it never ends. We are haunted with high sugar...sugar is even hidden in foods we normally wouldn't even…
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
Do you know that your five senses can actually work together to help you achieve weight loss? The sense of sight, smell, hearing, taste, and feeling are all important to put your dreams into a reality. Here are the ways to use your five sense organs for a healthier body; and a more skinnier, thinner…
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
Hello there Fit Fem'rs! Hope you are doing fantastic and have enjoyed your weekend. I wanted to start the week right by posting an article that'll motivate you and set your week straight.
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
If we talk about healthy foods, fruits and vegetable are the first few things that enter our mind. These are the foods that we eat in order to stay healthy and be healthy. These are the things that mom and dad taught us to eat growing up because it is good for the body.
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
Do you see yourself watching those female body builders and cringe every time you look at them? Do you feel that you do not want to get into weight loss and fitness exercise that those women have?
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
What's up Fit Fem'rs? Are you tired of fad diets, and weight management programs that promise you the world of weight loss? It's so easy to fall for the false claims, well because they are so damn appealing.
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
Ahhhh the dreaded fat we find on our butt! YIKES! Bet your wondering how I can make that statement right? Many women have cottage cheese like butt dimples, you're not alone. It's nothing photoshop can't fix? I'm kidding ….. No but really, if you have cellulite on your buttocks, yoga workouts and rel…
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
The rebirth of cardio. The 80's were an infamous time period for the fitness industry. Leg warmers, terry cloth head bands, neon colored spandex, bottom fringed ink shirts, thong leotards, big fun sprayed to death hair…or about the music…Olivia Newton John's Let's Get Physical and Flashdance's She's…
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
Fit Fem'rs, did you squirm when you read this title? I can see how you might feel intimidated by the sound of sports conditioning. I bet you think of a hard core sports conditioning fitness workout to belong only to those that are hardcore athletes.
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
It never fails. We are constantly searching for the quick fix to flat, sexy abs. What's the Hollywood secret?
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
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