Browse Articles By Tag: animal
The Basset Hound is a Medium/Large dog that typically weighs between 45-75 pounds. Their height averages between 11" to 15". It is long and low and their height/weight ratio makes their already short legs look even shorter. (...)
02.10.2012 · From KarenWheately
The television series "Lassie" made Lassie the beloved symbol for Collies in America. Your new Collie puppy won't measure up to the wonder dog, but you'll most likely find him a wonderful family dog. (...)
28.09.2012 · From KarenWheately
Dogs have been "man's best friend" for thousands of years. Since dogs watch over their owners, it's only right that dog-loving humans keep their pets safe in return. And now, dogs need our extra attention more than ever. (...)
25.09.2012 · From KarenWheately
Pomeranian is a big name for a big dog. As huge as thirty pounds, the Pomeranian has been said to be very similar to the wolf Spitz in weight, hide and hair. This is not surprising since the Pomeranian originated from the bloodline of the Spitz...
25.09.2012 · From KarenWheately
To recommend a good dog breed to someone, you need to know two things: 1. You must have an in-depth and personal experience with many different breeds. And more specifically, you must have multiple experiences with each breed. (...)
22.09.2012 · From KarenWheately
There is such a wide selection of dog agility equipment, where do I begin? There are several factors to consider when making your agility equipment purchases. Two major factors are your goals and your dog. (...)
22.09.2012 · From KarenWheately
This is a book about a puppy that changes the opinions of those around him, wins hearts and becomes a reliable, heroic friend. Woofer earns respect from all the animals for miles around and becomes a bit of a legend by the time he grows up.
10.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
Tom Peters crafted a moving, educational animal adventure story in his novel Star. This is a dog-lover's fiction - written for a young adult audience. Any young person who loves animals, or wants to own a dog should read this book...
10.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
For those looking for outdoor and cold weather apparel which is both unique and functional, animal hoodies could prove to be the perfect selection.
04.06.2012 · From RigobertoHahn
Taking your pets on holiday with you is now easier than it used to be. But there are rules you have to follow so make sure you’ve got everything covered for your winter sun break.
23.04.2012 · From froy
Travelling with your pet requires a bit of extra planning – here are some tips to make sure the journey is safe, comfortable and stress-free for you and your animal friend.
24.01.2012 · From jwallace
The South West is well known for its beaches and coastal resorts, one of which is Woolacombe, popular with surfers. The beach can be found in North Devon, with other hotspots Croyde and Saunton nearby.
12.12.2011 · From kelvind
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