Browse Articles By Tag: crosswords
Generally, puzzles are good tools for the development of young children especially their motor skills and cognitive development. Puzzles like jigsaw are quite popular since the shape sorting and image grouping exercise improves their problem solving skills. (...)
17.02.2013 · From TheAuthor
Crossword puzzles are not just puzzles. Sure, when the first crossword puzzle came in 1913, the intention was to add some for of entertainment in the pages of The New York Globe. And years after that, crossword puzzles became a phenomenon and entered a fad phase. (...)
15.02.2013 · From TheAuthor
Crossword puzzles have been used with children to improve their language and thinking skills. There are a lot of benefits among children like improved spelling, vocabulary, grammar skills, and even comprehension. (...)
13.02.2013 · From TheAuthor
Most people would do crossword puzzles in their homes, in their work stations, and in a very peculiar situation, in their bathrooms. But since the day crossword puzzle became a hit during the 1920s, it became a competitive sport where people would compete with each...
13.02.2013 · From TheAuthor
Everything has there own conventions. Rules or guidelines are there to help maintain quality and ensure a uniform standard which becomes the basis of evaluation which promotes, eventually, further improvement or development. You might ask why the serious tone. (...)
12.02.2013 · From TheAuthor
Crossword puzzles refer to group of words that are arranged horizontally and vertically. This is designed this way so that each of the word will cross at least one other word though a letter that is common to both. (...)
09.02.2013 · From TheAuthor
Solving crossword puzzles is one of the most "indulged in" activities for people who love mind games. This is because this game is reported to be good for the mind since it encourages intellectual stimulation. (...)
08.02.2013 · From TheAuthor
If you know your crosswords, then you know that there are different variations other than the usual stuff you see in the newspapers. And one that usually calls attention to is the one called cryptic crosswords, a unique type. (...)
06.02.2013 · From TheAuthor
Looking at crosswords everyday, have you ever stopped and wondered how one creates such an interesting puzzle? Crossword puzzle makers often have their own style in making their puzzles but they do follow some conventions or established guidelines. (...)
06.02.2013 · From TheAuthor
It’s always fun to tackle crosswords puzzles. It helps stimulate the mind and keep it sharp which is way better than not doing anything at all. If you do the latter, you’ll end up bored and leave your brain building up cobwebs. (...)
05.02.2013 · From TheAuthor
Crossword puzzles are not only for fun, they can also be used to test our knowledge. Using this as a tool to engage kids in academics is considered to be an effective way. Educators find these kinds of exercises and puzzles are great way to engage children in...
02.02.2013 · From TheAuthor
One across, ten down. Crossword puzzles, you can love them but sometimes you curse them. Okay, maybe I’m just going overboard. But those little square boxes and the crisscrossing words can be quite addictive. (...)
01.02.2013 · From TheAuthor
If you’re familiar with crossword puzzles, then you know that a typical puzzle consists of white and black boxes. The white boxes would be where you will place the words that are hinted in the clues. (...)
31.01.2013 · From TheAuthor
Initially, crossword puzzles were hand-made but open the invention of a software program in 1997, crosswords puzzles can be made by an individual on the computer. The easiest way of creating a crossword puzzle, then, would be doing it in a computer. (...)
25.01.2013 · From TheAuthor
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