Browse Articles By Tag: development
The concept of personal development means different things to different people. As a whole, it can be defined as undertaking activities that benefit and increase your awareness and build on your identity. (...)
03.02.2014 · From alayalewis
Everyone needs goals in life. Goals can help us improve our personality, our way of life, and our relationships. Setting goals is easy enough, but the real challenge is reaching them. How can you reach your goals? The first step in reaching your goals is to overcome...
01.02.2014 · From alayalewis
Anger management programs offer the individual plenty of information regarding techniques and strategies for dealing with anger. Is there anger management therapy available for those who feel the need to take their treatment a step further? In the early 1970's, a...
17.01.2014 · From alayalewis
Anger, a normal emotion, can transform into something painful and ugly. First thoughts of anger issues may bring about images of a couple fighting, a parent abusing a child, a teenager lashing out at a teacher or a parent. (...)
16.01.2014 · From alayalewis
Are you thinking about improving your personal life? Many people come to a point in their lives where they wish they could do something better. The problem is they never know where to begin or how to start changing their life and moving in a more positive direction. (...)
15.01.2014 · From alayalewis
In terms of personal development, body image can be a major downfall for a lot of people. Since personal development involves positivity about all aspects of your life that also includes how you feel about the way you look. (...)
13.01.2014 · From alayalewis
Depression can become all consuming. It begins your day and jumps on your back and directs your thinking and feelings. I fought depression and panic attacks for more than 10 years. It got so bad that for over a year I only left my bedroom to go to the doctor. (...)
11.01.2014 · From alayalewis
Kids are normally forthcoming with regards to sharing feelings and emotions. A kid may be burdened with feelings of pain and guilt but you would never learn it from a conversation. A child's feelings are usually display in the behavior. (...)
11.01.2014 · From alayalewis
Have you every thought about using personal development methods to become a better person? You can fulfill your dreams and live a more rewarding life by using personal development. Go over the following article to learn more about personal development and how these...
10.01.2014 · From alayalewis
I have always been an ambitious person with a good outlook on life. I did well in school, and graduated college with a degree in nursing. However, after marrying, and having three wonderful children, I found myself overwhelmed, and quit my job as a nurse to stay home...
07.01.2014 · From alayalewis
Stress is something that everyone experiences at one time or another. I knew that I had to make some changes when I started getting panic attacks. I was taken to the hospital because I thought I was having chest pains, and I thought I was going to die. (...)
07.01.2014 · From alayalewis
When an individual accepts they have anger issues, normally the next phase includes steps to anger management. There are many people and programs available to help people with difficulties controlling their temper. (...)
06.01.2014 · From alayalewis
Anybody can develop himself or herself if they really put their mind to it. There comes a time in everyoneís life where they have that opportunity. Changing economic conditions, lifeís occasional challenges and unannounced opportunities can present the chance to...
06.01.2014 · From alayalewis
Dealing with anger and its repercussions can be very challenging. Unaware of how to handle irritating and stressful situations may be a reason for many fits of anger and rage. Most people, with the exception of young children perhaps, recognize their problem with...
06.01.2014 · From alayalewis
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