Browse Articles By Tag: peace
Nature is one of the greatest sources of happiness to all living beings. The secret of happiness is being near nature. Nature is free and abundant. It is available to all regardless of one's race, nationality, religion, and sex. Nature is happiness.
24.06.2012 · From alayalewis
A friend has this quotation on his office wall: "I know worry works because nothing I worry about ever happens."
24.06.2012 · From alayalewis
I have no doubt that there are many people out there who are searching for ways of improving their overall quality of life. We have no divine right to be happy of course but on the other hand we should not just sit back and accept second best. (...)
24.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
Plant these Ten seeds in your life and you will be happy and contented
24.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
Happiness does not just happen – it takes work! Learn about the 5 choices that happy people consciously and consistently make in their thinking and behavior that create their happiness.
24.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
Worry is silent killer. Nothing is solved by worrying. Worrying about past is futile, worrying about future is folly. JUst act in the present. Worry is the root cause of many physical and mental illnesses. Worry is a great waste of time and energy.
24.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
According to the Vanished Children's Alliance, a child is missing or abducted every 40 seconds.A car is stolen every 24 seconds in the United States, according to the Insurance ...
10.06.2012 · From TheAuthor