Browse Articles By Tag: play
Golf started as early as 1297 in Netherlands. The players use a stick and a leather ball to play during that time. As time goes by different golf clubs emerged. Different sizes and different shapes of club head. (...)
21.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
Golf is a relaxing game, no hard power necessary but employing your muscle is a necessity. Stretching exercises will help you prepare for golf games as well. Like any game, knowing the rules and having the right equipment will not ensure your success in the game. (...)
21.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
  The origin of golf is hard to place exactly. Several countries are claiming that they started the now popular game, but the most believed is the Netherlands. According to history, the Netherlands had the ideas of hitting balls into holes with a golf club in the...
21.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
Professional golfer is not the only occupation to be held within in the golf industry. There are a variety of other occupations available. Here is a list of them: Club Caddie You must know the game of golf to hold this position, as well as the etiquette. (...)
21.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
Golf is beautiful game with a simple objective, drive the ball into the hole. But as simple as this objective is, carrying it out well enough to be a champion is not that easy or simple. Except you know what it takes to be a master golfer. (...)
21.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
Every sport has its important stuff that must be understood to be able to perform well in it. Golf is no exception. There are certain important things in golf that you need to familiarize yourself well with and understand to be able to understand the game and be a...
21.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
In most endeavors in life, success or failure starts in the mind. If you believe you can’t do something, it will be difficult for you to be to do it at all or do it well. The same applies to golf. (...)
21.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
  Most people do not realize that when you are playing on those green hills on a beautiful Saturday morning there are rules to follow. You can’t just show up, hit some balls into some holes and call it a day. There are rules of golf. (...)
21.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
  Whether you are just getting started with golf or you are a seasoned player just coming off their off-season, here are some fitness ideas to help you condition for the game of golf. The first thing you have to work on in golf fitness is your flexibility. (...)
21.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
In the game of golf, having the right golf clubs is very important. To the untrained eye a golf club is a just a golf club, one is not different from another but the pros know that there is a big difference between a golf club and the right golf club. (...)
21.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
As with any thing in life taking lessons helps beginners to learn faster. In golf, taking lessons could help those who are just mastering the game become better players. No matter what your reasons for learning to play golf is, business, recreational or professional,...
21.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
If you are interested in improving your game or you are just contemplating starting to play the game of golf, you must have heard about golf lessons. So the question at the back of your mind is, are golf lessons really necessary? Taking golf lessons is a good...
21.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
Golf is the one game that bridges perfectly the gap between the corporate world and the sports world. Loved by both the business and sports community alike, this great game has really become quite popular. (...)
21.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
When beginner golfers go to their local sports store to purchase the clubs they need to kick it off on the golf course they sometimes aren’t exactly sure what to buy. There are so many different things to choose from. (...)
21.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
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