Browse Articles By Tag: security
There is nothing like checking your email only to find out that your inbox is swamped with unsolicited message from people you do not know. No you’re not interested to buy dog food, beauty products, slimming pills, plants, or software! But still, you get these...
14.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
It's been more than a decade since spammers and their enemies begun evolving competitively. As with the classic cheetah/gazelle model originally formulated by Darwin, each time one group becomes a little faster or more agile, its adversaries develop traits for...
14.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
Remember when spam was just another horrible thing you would never eat? And then you grew up a little and spam became the lyrics to a great Monty Python song. And now spam is something to avoid at all costs. Or, in the case of free spam blockers, at no cost at all. (...)
14.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
Every day, both dmoestic and corporate users of the internet receive considerable amounts of spam e-mail. They are not only annoying, but sometimes you can miss an important e-mail or newsletter simply because you lose it among the great number of e-mails that flood...
14.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
It was not too long ago that email mailboxes were so full of junk mail and spam that they threatened to render electronic communication useless. When you opened up your email you were bombarded with poorly written advertisements for $ex, V!agra, and tons of other...
14.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
We have all suffered from these annoying dangerous spam emails. Most of us still do. There are excellent anti spam solutions in the market, there is no reason to tolerate this no more. To understand the solution we must first understand the problem. (...)
14.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
Spam is the internet’s equivalent of junk mail. Spam is defined as an e-mail message sent to people without their consent or permission. Addresses of recipients are often harvested from Usenet postings or web pages, obtained from databases, or simply guessed by...
14.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
The first step in your antispam campaign may well be to understand spam and how it works.Spam is usually defined as unsolicited e-mail that is delivered in bulk. It has become so prevalent because it's cheap, reaches the greatest number of folks in the least amount...
14.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
Spam can be an absolute nightmare, and one that seems to spiral out of control in some of my email accounts. If i've been away for a few days and haven't had a chance to check my emails, I dread having to open up my email client when I get back online in anticipation...
14.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
The most prolific and path breaking innovation of last century had been the developments in the communication field. It literally changed the business working, product marketing, support services and most importantly, the advertisement campaigns. (...)
14.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
Communications Intelligence (COMINT) involving the covert interception of foreign communications has been practiced by almost every advanced nation since international telecommunications became available. COMINT is a large-scale industrial activity providing consumers with intelligence on diplomatic…
10.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
Learn ways you can protect your home or business from theft by using a CCTV security system...
10.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
Learn ways you can protect your home or business from theft by using a CCTV security system...
10.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
Computer viruses, spywares, adwares, hackers and identity thieves are easily found and yet are growing rampant on the internet. Everyday, more and more people are becoming victims of this very serious crime and some people even lost money because of identity fraud. (...)
05.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
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