Browse Articles By Tag: youth
Now more than ever, young people have easy access to interactive tools to help manage their money. Read on to learn about how young people can use these tools to their advantage.
02.10.2012 · From bgiles
"...Willa’s Poppy is about the exciting adventures of a girl and her puppy as they grow to maturity. Willa, a young teenager, struggled in school..."
10.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
The Seventh Jewel is a fantasy-adventure fiction geared for youth (ages 11 and up). J.J. Pritchard crammed several tantalizing elements in only 278 pages. The reader is taken on a journey that involves a treasure hunt, a noble quest and the discovery of an ancient civilization. The author touches up…
10.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
...All the elements for a wonderfully mystical tale for youth, and for those with youthful minds are here in this novel. Haunting dreams, caring creatures of the forest, magical swords, a quest to defeat wickedness and free its captives along with humorous moments...
10.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
Tom Peters crafted a moving, educational animal adventure story in his novel Star. This is a dog-lover's fiction - written for a young adult audience. Any young person who loves animals, or wants to own a dog should read this book...
10.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
Now here’s a treat for dog-lovers! Author of multiple short stories for children, Jarod Twiford, has recently released his first children’s book, Kisho. This story line is unique and has an ending that readers will not see coming.
10.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
Now this could definitely be a movie! Dark Autumn is fantastic action-packed futuristic thriller that had me riveted for days. The energy was kept very high throughout the book. Occasionally Clint Dunshee’s characters performed seemingly super-human tasks, similar to James Bond or Dirk Pitt. However…
10.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
We all get older every day, but we don't have to look or feel old. There are plenty of things that can be done to slow down the aging process.
04.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
In the modern world, search for more fun, comfort and easy way out turn the youths towards illegal means. They need to be guided and disciplined properly so that they realize their responsibilities well.
02.12.2011 · From hybridbani
Christian drug rehabs address the needs of troubled teens using a Christian-based philosophy. There are also boarding schools that are do not identify themselves as Christian but still utilize the underlying values and principles of Judeo-Christian religions such as respect, honesty, hard work to he…
04.11.2011 · From abhooba
Troubled teenagers boot camps and military camps prescribe highly disciplined and strict environment that explore the positive skills in distressed young people. Programs are designed in such effecti...
01.01.1970 · From abhooba
There are several options for unmotivated boys and girls recovery such as wilderness camps, boot camps, summer camps, troubled youth camps, military schools, Christian schools, drug rehabs and therape...
01.01.1970 · From abhooba
  All over the country baseball camps and youth baseball advice clinics are popping up. These events can be as small as a dozen or so players, to as large as a few hundred kids. Camps could be of the...
01.01.1970 · From baseball123
Struggling teenagers are those who are unable to adjust in home environment due to the continuous distress in mind. Few common signs seen in struggling children are rebelliousness, defiance, poor peer...
01.01.1970 · From abhooba
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