Browse Articles By Tag: smile
When it comes to choosing the best teeth whitening system you will no doubt think about products such as BriteSmile, Zoom and White Light. However, many people consider Opalescence to be the best teeth whitening system; this is a product that is well loved by almost...
15.01.2013 · From TheAuthor
The laser teeth whitening price is the most expensive on the market today for teeth whitening products or procedures. Although the laser teeth whitening cost is so expensive, it is also the quickest method of getting perfectly white teeth that is available today. (...)
14.01.2013 · From TheAuthor
Yellow, stained teeth not only look bad, but can make you feel very embarrassed. Tooth stains and discoloration is caused by several factors such as age, colas, coffees, alcohol, heat, nicotine and food. (...)
13.01.2013 · From TheAuthor
There are any procedures that an individual can consider when it comes to wanting to have their teeth whitened. Some of the procedures can be accomplished within the convenience of one’s own home. (...)
13.01.2013 · From TheAuthor
So you want to get your teeth brighter and whiter, but how are you going to do it? Brushing your teeth is obviously very important and it helps keep you from getting cavities, but in most cases this is just not going to be enough to ensure that you are going to have...
10.01.2013 · From TheAuthor
Aging affects the color of our teeth and as we move past middle age, we may notice that our teeth have somehow taken on another hue. Although having yellow teeth is not really a medical disaster of some sort, it can be a source of social disgrace for some people. (...)
09.01.2013 · From TheAuthor
Over the last five years or so, home teeth whitening kits have gained in popularity as people try to give themselves that perfect movie star smile. But there are natural home remedies for whitening teeth that won't cost you an arm and a leg and which many people swear...
08.01.2013 · From TheAuthor
Till recent years, the only way to get the pearly white teeth was to go through a whitening procedure at the dentist’s office, and still, many people were not happy with the results. Manufacturer’s realized that people are looking for safe and effective teeth...
07.01.2013 · From TheAuthor
Drinking a lot of coffee and red wine and eating meats and other tasty foods can do a lot of good to the palate but it can also discolor your teeth. If you want to sport a gleaming set of teeth then you will need to look to using a good teeth whitening system which...
05.01.2013 · From TheAuthor
There are many different kinds of home teeth whitening kits available to buy. Some use a tray filled with hydrogen peroxide, others use lasers to whiten teeth at home, while still others consist of a gel that you brush on like toothpaste. (...)
04.01.2013 · From TheAuthor
Laser teeth whitening is used by many dentists to whiten or bleach the teeth. Healthy teeth indicate good health. Using lasers to whiten the teeth is one of the most commonly used methods, preferred by many people. The procedure is painless, quick and efficient. (...)
31.12.2012 · From TheAuthor
If you want to get a cosmetic teeth whitening system then of course you are going to have to know where you can go to buy one. Luckily, because these are so popular, you can find them almost anywhere. (...)
30.12.2012 · From TheAuthor
Not everyone can afford professional teeth whitening products that are on the shelves of dental surgeries and pharmacists nowadays, so the need for a cheaper alternative natural professional teeth whitening products and methods also need to be considered, this is...
29.12.2012 · From TheAuthor
Just because you may want to get a brighter, whiter smile, this doesn’t mean that you have to use chemicals or other products that you just don’t feel safe with. In fact, there are a lot of people out there today who prefer to learn how to whiten teeth naturally,...
29.12.2012 · From TheAuthor
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