Knowhow-Now Article

A Guide To Laser Teeth Whitening Cost

Laser teeth whitening is used by many dentists to whiten or bleach the teeth. Healthy teeth indicate good health. Using lasers to whiten the teeth is one of the most commonly used methods, preferred by many people. The procedure is painless, quick and efficient. If you are getting your teeth whitened for the first time and you desire quick results, laser procedure is the ideal choice.

There are many factors that cause teeth to become yellow, and age is the most common one. Other factors include caffeine and smoking. Laser teeth whitening is done briskly and painlessly, and once the treatment is over, the teeth get many folds whiter.

Laser Teeth Whitening Cost

Laser teeth whitening gives instant results to the people looking for a dazzling smile. They don’t have to wait for weeks to get the desired results. The procedure is harmless and safe, however the laser teeth whitening cost can be quite high, which puts off many people making them choose the alternative methods.

Tip: Whitening products will only work with natural teeth. Any dental work that is visible when you smile, such as crowns, fillings, implants or veneers, will not be whitened.

The entire process of teeth whitening laser treatment takes about an hour, and the teeth look almost ten shades lighter after the process is complete. People who smoke heavily or have severe staining due to various medications need to go for more sittings.

As it is a relatively newer technology, one should be willing to pay the premium. The laser teeth whitening cost can range from $500-$1000, or even more if more sessions are required. There is always an option of buying the teeth whitening kits that can be used at home. There are also some sophisticated gels and molds that are available for less than $100, however these are much less effective and the results are very slow.

To bear the laser teeth whitening cost, some dentists also offer refinancing or payment plans. Some clinics give customer discounts that can help you save lots of money.

The bottom line is that if you can afford the laser teeth whitening cost, you should opt for this treatment. It works, and the results are instantaneous. The cost of teeth whitening laser treatment is high because the dramatic results are readily available, without bearing any pain. The valuable time is saved, and there is no hassle as well.

Keep in mind that prosthetic teeth will not bleach, so go for the whitening first prior to undergoing other forms of cosmetic dentistry treatment. It is also important to keep in mind that the life of this treatment is limited, and after 2-3 years, you will have to bear the laser teeth whitening cost again. This however largely depends on the extent of daily dental care, your eating habits and lifestyle.

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