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  •  Anonymous: 
    Business always looks for the profit. It adopts the technology which is profitable at the end. Microsoft offers solutions which are quite costly and difficult to customize. Therefore, the business has chosen opensource software which was comparatively cheaper than proprietary software. Among this opensource software, PHP has a very admirable position. Almost 40% of websites on the web/internet are made up of PHP and this alone indicates its popularity among the masses. Similarly, MySQL is an opensource and it can be integrated with PHP easily, therefore, their combination is work in the industry as the best one is the best website development company usa
    0 points
  •  Anonymous: 
    Business always looks for the profit.htpps://www.digifuĀ­tura.comĀ­ It adopts the technology which is profitable at the end. Microsoft offers solutions which are quite costly and difficult to customize
    0 points
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