Knowhow-Now Article

If you are new in the crowd of hosting world then try our tips and you will find that you choose a right web hosting company at starting.

1. Check Review and rating of web hosting companies

There are a many web hosting review and rating sites which provide you the rating of a hosting company on the basis of their performance. Moreover you can also read the customers reviews of the customer related to any specific hosting company like:

Just host
Host Monster

2. Check all Top Web Hosting Features of the plan you are going to select
Amount of Disk Space and Bandwidth
which control panels are available Control Panel
how many Sub Domains, FTP Accounts, and Email Accounts are included
Uptime Guarantee - the life line of your website
Money Back Guarantee conditions
all the available Certifies

3. Full Pricing – what is included or excluded
Try to check showing or offered price is final or there is some addition charges are excluded. like:

Setup Fees
Domain charges
is there any difference between per month/6month/yearly pricing

4. Reliability, security and speed of access
Speed, security and reliability are main important for the success of any online business. While choosing a reliable web hosting service you need to ensure that this is taken care of. A site that is not available, not updated on time or is down, will lose many online visitors.

5.What Add-ons are included- Free With Each Web Hosting Plan like:
Free Website Templates

Support like: Free Website Transfer, Domain Transfer, MySQL Transfer, Script Transfer
Any Free scripts can be instantly installed on your account with a few clicks
Is there any Site Builder and Site Studio Website Building Tools are offered

6.Google, yahoo or any other free Adwords Credit offer

Most of the web hosting companies are offering free adwords credits

Hostgator is offering $100 Google Adwords Credit
Yahoo Hosting offering $100 Yahoo Credit
Hostmonster offering $75 Marketing Bonus

7.which kind of support is available after sale
24/7/365 Premium Support via Phone, Live Chat, and Ticket System ?

Any Automatic Weekly Off-Site Data Backups ?
Any Video Tutorials or helping Articles
24/7/365 Server Monitoring
Any Community Forum Access or support

8.Is your Web Hosting Green

Is your host using certified Renewable Energy or environmental friendly? Try to check its certificates.

9.Free Scripts or one click installation Fantastico Deluxe
Open-source scripts with just a click available in cpanel ?

WordPress Hosting - Host your very own WordPress blog
Joomla Hosting & Drupal Hosting - Professional CMS Solutions

10.SSL (secure server), Shopping Cart
If you are planning on doing any sort of business through your website, you might want to look out to see if the host provides these facilities. These facilities normally involve a higher priced package or additional charges. The main thing is to check to see if they are available at all before you commit to the host. You will definitely need SSL if you want to collect credit card payments on your site.

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