Knowhow-Now Article

When traveling from London’s Heathrow airport, the first thing you’ll want to consider is how you will get to the airport and still avoid hefty parking fees. While it is sometimes convenient for a friend or family member to offer a ride, situations arise where this is not always possible. Perhaps they are busy with work or maybe the flight is too early in the morning, starting the trip from home to the airport as early as 3:00am. In instances like these, it’s a good idea to consider another cheaper alternative to airport parking.

For frequent commuters, it is important to have a regular parking plan in place. Asking a friend or family member can become tiring, and the cost of taking a taxi to the airport will add up very quickly. London is a large city, and the commute from one end to another in a taxi could break your budget. The next most common choice is usually to take your own vehicle and park in the airport parking facilities. While this is a useful option once in a while, it adds on extra time to your airport visit, considering the amount of time you’ll spend finding a parking spot and arranging payment. While this may not be a bother on your 3pm flight, it will take a toll on your journey when you have to be at the airport early for a 5am flight.

A cheaper alternative to airport parking is to park at an airport hotel. This is a practical option, as many hotels offer park-and-fly packages. Hotels close to the airport will usually offer a parking space for a certain number of days along with a night or two at the hotel. This is ideal for those early-morning flights or late night arrivals- taking out the early morning commute and the late night drive home after a long flight. This option makes your travel to the airport much easier and less stressful; allowing you a full night’s sleep in a comfortable bed before setting out on the next leg of your journey.

Thus, considering a cheaper alternative to airport parking in London doesn’t only save you money, but you may find you are much more comfortable on your flight after a night in a hotel. Next time you are departing on a flight from Heathrow, consider exploring the numerous Heathrow Airport hotels with parking to ensure you have an enjoyable journey.

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