Knowhow-Now Article

If You're Looking To Obtain A Game System You Ought To Take Into Account The Playstation 2

On the subject of gaming consoles, all the kids today always want the newest as well as most up to date system. I am not sure if you remember fondly the Atari 2600, but that was the first video game I actually owned. And just like kids these days I used to spend 8 hours each day playing it. These days we all are all over our youngsters about turning of the video games and going out in order to get some exercise. And then after all that we normally get them the new game anyway so they will leave us alone. However one thing you should consider is the playstation 2 for anybody who doesn't have a video game system yet.

The very first thing you should know is that the playstation 2 is much less costly than the playstation 3. Actually if you get the playstation 2 through Amazon you can get the slim black design for only $99.99 and they also provide you with free shipping on this item. Should you made a decision to order the ps3 through Amazon you will notice that you will be spending $300. Although the ps3 can actually play your DVD's, this doesn't seem to be really worth the extra $200.

The majority of you may be thinking that they don't even make games for the playstation 2 anymore. And for those of you thinking that, you are wrong as they sill make games for the playstation 2, perhaps not as many as they used to create but they are still being made. The games themselves also cost less than the ps3, as the ps3 games can sell for up to $60, the game titles for the ps2 can be acquired for about $10. I'm not sure about you but I would prefer to get 5 ps2 games than just one ps3 game.

You will probably find out that there are hundreds of video game titles for the ps2, but mainly because they are older your kids might have already played them. This implies that they may basically get bored with playing the video game titles and head outdoors for a little while. While this is simply no promise, it makes perfectly good sense in my opinion. I mean seriously for how long can you play a game for before you are wholly bored with it. But inevitably you will end up getting them new games every once in awhile but you will not be paying a fortune for them, like I said before you can get them for about $10.

These are merely a few reasons that the playstation 2 is a better option compared to the playstation 3. Once the ps3 first came out on the market, I broke down and got one although I sold it shortly after. And I ended up being very content simply going back to my ps2. If you choose to get this unit, you may be able to locate it in some of the malls but you will see that it will usually be cheaper if you order it from Amazon. When you want to get the very best price on the console and the game titles you should check it out on Amazon.

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