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Most of the students find mathematics as a boring subject, but one can’t undermine its importance. To make the subject interesting the Chinese mathematicians developed Abacus. The abacus training is one of the proven methods to improve the skills of a student. From thousands of years the Abacus training is prominent for accuracy and reliability. Learning maths through abacus enhances the creativity and ingenuity among students. Also, it enhances the analytical ability of the students. With abacus training a student can have a good grasp on mathematical and problem solving skills. Benefits of Abacus Training The benefits of Abacus training were discovered in Asia when the school s started using this prominent tool. It helps children to memorize the bead of abacus in their mind and based on that they perform calculations.

It is an acknowledged fact that after one or two years of training the child becomes proficient and accurate in the subject. With little training the child is able to perform the most complex airthmetic operations. Like giving an answer to question like this 23x84 or 45+78+54 is a matter of a second. According to survey the kids from Japan and Korea score well in mathematics in contrast to their counterparts. The ground reason is they are provided with Abacus training that assists them in improving the overall mathematical efficiency. It’s an excellent way to master this subject because the kids are not heavily reliant on the calculators. Apart from that  helps the children to memorize multiplication table. Through this training the child is also able to develop visual skills since before answering any questions they’ll try to visualize the beads of the abacus. Brain Development The abacus training helps in overall brain development of the kids.

The children use both of their hands to make the calculations, which in turn cause brain and hands to sync in a faster motion. The faster communication between brain and other parts of a body stimulates the overall growth. Now it’s important to consider that the kid will get most out of the abacus training only when he is able to understand the three stages. Foundation Stage- In foundation stage the child have to work extensively with Abacus in their hands. In this level the child undergoes 20 to 30 minutes of training in a day. Semi Abstract Stage- It is the second stage of abacus training wherein the students need to work with different images. This in turn increases the image memory of kids.

Once the student becomes proficent in semi abstract stage the next stage would be abstract stage. Abstract Stage- It is the last stage where the students don’t require any tools like image cards and abacus. Now the calculations will be performed in memory. What is the best stage to learn Abacus? Studies have revealed the fact that a student from any age is capable of learning Abacus. Infact, a student between the age group of 1 to 6 can learn it better. The best stage to learn Abacus is 5.

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