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Acne Vulgaris The Whole Truth

Acne vulgaris is commonly referred to as just acne. From the start of the teenage years, almost everyone will suffer from some form of acne. It is ain inflammation of the skin that causes irritated sores, commonly on the face. This can lead to low self-esteem, embarrassment, and depression so it is important to treat it and take care of your skin.

The cause of acne vulgaris can be due to a number of different factors. Stress, hormones, and pore-blocking dead skin and oil are some of the most common reasons that people develop acne. It is also an inherited characteristic that you could get from your parents.

Tip: A great tip that can help prevent acne is to start keeping a food journal. By keeping a food journal, you'll be able to see which foods cause you to have a breakout.

Stress changes the level of hormones and neuro-active substances that cause acne. A way to treat this type of break-out is to take some time to relax and de-stress your mind by exercising or writing. Find something that you enjoy doing and practice it when you are feeling particularly stressed over something

Hormone changes that occur during the teenage years can trigger acne vulgaris to flare up. This production of hormones is referred to as androgens. They stimulate oil glands to over-produce and contribute to developing blemishes.

Tip: Avoid touching your face with dirty hands. Fingers and hands are the part of the body that collect the most germs, mostly due to the fact that people touch many objects throughout the day.

It is a common misconception that all acne is the result of being unclean. If this was true, most people would not ever have to deal with acne. When natural skin oil is combined with normal skin bacteria and dead skin cells, the dead skin gets forced to the surface. The greater the amount of oil that is produced, the better the chance it as of clogging your pores. Clogged pores are where bacteria feed to produce inflammation, which results in pimples. Washing your face cannot treat a condition that develops primarily under the skin.

The effects of having acne vulgaris can be long-term if untreated. If the condition is severe, there is a chance for permanent scars to form. Most teenagers have trouble dealing with the way they feel when they have break-outs. Social situations are avoided at all costs to prevent the embarrassment of a flawed appearance. Some people go as far as missing school because of the appearance of acne vulgaris. Severe depression could also result from unhappiness with the appearance of their skin. Self-esteem and self-worth seem to diminish completely unless their skin is absolutely flawless. There is not a guaranteed cure for these feelings, however, getting an effective acne treatment could eliminate appearance from being the cause of it.

Treatment for acne vulgaris is as simple as finding which medicine works best for you. Severe acne is usually treated by a dermatologist who will prescribe a medication specific to your needs. If the acne is less severe or occasional, an over-the-counter solution could be best for you. There are all types of factors that contribute to the development of blemishes so when picking out the right medicine, consider the specificity of your skin. If you notice that your skin is especially oily, then be sure that you use something that will target the oil. Blackheads and whiteheads are also a target area of some treatments available. To get the best result, experiment in finding what is best for what you need.

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