Knowhow-Now Article

Addressing Wedding Invitations

When it comes to addressing wedding invitations, things are not as easy as you'd like them to be. Dream weddings are more and more often out of the reach of common people, because of the escalating costs. Today, couples send just an envelope, by mail, with the invitation and the confirmation request. The etiquette has it that every invitation should be addressed individually and preferably hand-written. If you use a computer program to reduce the work volume, you should select special fonts that resemble handwriting.

An important aspect about addressing wedding invitations is that you want all your guests to be pleased and looking forward to the big event. Nobody should harbor bad feelings on your very special day. Don't neglect children and pay attention to your single guests, particularly as they may want to bring another person who is important to them. You should not start work on the envelopes until the list of guests is really complete, meaning that you have nobody else to add. Then, it's time to take each step at a time. Details as well as general information matter just as much!

Tip: Ensure that all guests understand the scheduling of events by emailing everyone involved an itinerary of events; include maps for those who may be unfamiliar with the area. Maintain an updated lists of all events, such as the rehearsal or a pre-wedding dinner, so your guests know exactly where they will be at all times.

A common mistake is to use initials instead of the full names. This does not follow the etiquette for addressing wedding invitations. You should write the full name and eventually use the initial for the middle name. Abbreviations are something to be careful with, because they sometimes create a very negative impression that you don't want associated with your wedding invitations. Thus, you should not use 'Prof.' instead of 'Professor', or' The Hon.' instead of 'The Honorable'. The only exceptions here are Mr., Mrs., Jr., and Sr.

Things may appear simple at first glance but as you start reviewing the guests list and working on it, you come to realize that you have so many categories of guests. Fortunately, you don't need to bother too much about addressing wedding invitations because there is plenty of help available online. There are full lists with polite formulas you can use to address your guests. Among the most peculiar categories we should mention:

Tip: You need to make lists that are priority based when you start planning your wedding. For some couples, the venue is higher on the list than the cake, or the table decorations are higher on the list than the music, and so on.

-married couples with children;
-military personnel;
-unmarried couples living together;
-married couples where one has a professional title;
-married couples where both have professional titles;
-single female who are divorced;
-single female who are widowed etc.

For each such a category the addressing formula is different, and you really need to use the right one to match the individual specificity of your guest.

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