Knowhow-Now Article

One of the best things about leasing a brand new Audi is the fact that they arrive in peak condition and don't need the attention that second hand cars so desperately need. However, a new Audi lease will still need some degree of care or they will show signs of wear before long.

At one leasing company,, Audi is a popular manufacturer but if it is new then it will need regular and maintenance to make sure that the engine stays at its peak. SO what can a driver do to prevent this?

Well, to cut to the chase a newly leased Audi could be able to survive for longer than an older car between checks but they can run into problems if recent maintenance is not carried out. So read this guide for more advice!

1) If you run into any problems, your dealer is your first port of call. For most car leasers, it is not a good idea to try and fix any engine problems yourself, in fact, it might be detrimental to your leasing contract - get in touch with your car leasers straight away; or else your risk losing your deposit. If your Audi starts to play up at all get in touch with your leasers right away.

2) For easy tasks, there is no reason why you can't rectify them yourself. Fluids will to be supplemented from time to time as they can run low and potentially cause problems to the inner engine workings. So if your oil or water levels are low, make sure that you refill them. To find out how to maintain your car, check the manufacturer's guide and also look carefully at your driving habits. When driving takes place within the city, with a considerable amount of halting or crawling traffic - this can affect maintenance.

3) Check the pressure levels of your tyres. Your leasing consultant will tell you exactly how to inflate your tyres to the right level. Take a look at the tyre wall for the accurate levels of tyre pressure needed. If you don't inflate your tyres properly, then it can have a negative impact on breaking distance and even on the safety of your road handling. This might cause you to lose control of the car and could even be potentially hazardous.

4) Consult the recommended manufacturer schedule in the Audi maintenance guide - Most manufacturers keep a copy in the glove box. If it cannot be found, check with the dealer as they might have their own ideas for when they want you to bring your Audi back to them for any maintenance checks. Be sure to pay close attention to this schedule and keep it somewhere prominent. You should then follow the dates strictly as you don't want to miss out on a maintenance check-up.

5) New cars are nowhere near as problematic as their older second hand relatives. But this doesn't by any means make them exempt from care. To keep your newly leased Audi looking good as new, ensure that you don't miss out on your regular checks with a professional garage. So even if you have just taken out a car leasing deal, staff at advice you to keep it in tip top condition with careful maintenance checks.

Sticking to these great maintenance tips will help you get the most from your new Audi and will allow you to return it in great condition. You can also rest assured that your Audi won't conk out en route to an important meeting. Regular checks are favourable to expensive maintenance costs.

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