Knowhow-Now Article

Air Ambulance Of The Year Award Goes To AirMed

AirMed is an air ambulance service that stands out above the rest. This company is based out of Birmingham, Alabama. The AirMed air ambulance company was the only finalist from the United States to be considered for this honor.
The prestigious award was presented to AirMed by Voyageur Group's International Travel Insurance Journal. This company is based out of London. The air ambulance of the year award was presented at the annual conference in Venice in 2007.
This honor represents the finest in the air-medical field. International Traveler Insurance Journal honors assistance companies, insurance underwriters, and cost-containment providers. AirMed air ambulance service has had excellent competition for the award. Several other air-medical companies from Canada and Europe were finalists for the award.
The annual awards speak volumes about the quality of service from the recipients. An impartial panel of judges are used to determine the appropriate winner. The judges are a panel of experts in the global travel insurance and medical transport industries.
AirMed's devotion to quality air ambulance service shows in their high standards and patient-oriented business. This honor of Air Ambulance of the Year indicates AirMed's dedication to service and standards in the industry.
According to company announcements, early next year, AirMed plans to open and operate an international base in Hong Kong. Based on this information, AirMed will be the first U.S. based air ambulance company to operate a base in China. With the addition of the new base in China, AirMed will be even more qualified and better equipped to serve the needs of the world.
Specialty patient care and seamless travel is a goal of AirMed air ambulance service. By the end of 2008, AirMed should have 11 dedicated aircraft in the fleet. This fact makes AirMed better prepared than most to serve the air ambulance travel needs with safety and convenience in mind.
AirMed is the preferred carrier for the United States Department of Defense and is the air medical transport for the Mayo Clinic. The AirMed air ambulance service has bases in Hawaii, Minnesota, and its headquarters in Birmingham, Alabama. Annually, over 2,500 medical missions are flown with this excellent organization.
The patient care and customer service is unparalleled. AirMed offers bedside to bedside medical care worldwide. For anyone in need of air ambulance service, AirMed's staff and fleet will undoubtedly provide the special care and customer service to meet the need.
The Air Ambulance of the Year Award is an honor that deserves recognition. The dedication and quality service received by AirMed's clients have allowed the company to stand out above the competition. A well-maintained, high-quality fleet helps to make AirMed the top air ambulance of the year. The experienced and professional staff cares about the patients and providing excellent medical standards.
Top-notch customer service speeds AirMed to the top of the chart. Air ambulance competition is tough, but AirMed has come up on top. The honor of Air Ambulance of the Year will undoubtedly encourage AirMed to continue their strive for excellence in the years to come.

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