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All About Linux Web Hosting

Many developers and programmers prefer Linux web hosting over Windows web hosting, for many reasons. However, the choice of Linux web hosting needs to be made at the time you are starting development of your webpage. The reason that you must make the choice, prior to webpage design, is that the choice of languages used in writing the webpage matters when you are choosing web hosting. Linux languages include PHP, MySQL and Perl. If your programmer is unable to use these languages you need to choose less reliable web hosting.

Advantages to Linux Web Hosting

There are many advantages to the choice of Linux web hosting, but we will only be able to cover a few because of the limited space.

The first advantage is that Linux is an open source code product and as such is freely downloadable and shareable. This decreases the need for specific software programs and licensing agreements.

Tip: Stick with a provider that's in the same country as your target audience. If your target audience is in the UK, your web host should have their headquaters in the UK, too.

Data control and use in Linux is by relational MySQL databases, which work wonderfully with Linux web hosting and allows for very quick data access. Relational databases are those that have several databases that relate and can all be accessed and data combined. This is exceptionally important for businesses with complex needs.

Linux web hosting is more reliable web hosting without the crashing and difficulties often experienced with Windows web hosting.

Linux web hosting is most often less expensive and the software used by the Linux is much less expensive.

Security of a Linux web hosting is much higher than that of Windows. The ongoing care Linux provides in keeping security as a top priority makes this feature one that will not diminish with time.

Tip: Partner with a web hosting service that is capable of supporting your website as it expands and grows. If you plan to add videos or pictures to your site, you will need more space than a site that uses basic HTML scripting.

Linux web hosting works much better for large websites, with the need for complex data use. Part of this is the ease in relational databases, which move faster and with much less difficulty in Linux web hosting. However, if you have a webpage, Linux web hosting should be a first choice.

If you wish, long-term, to change from Linux web hosting to Windows, the conversion is not overly difficult.

Disadvantages of Linux Web Hosting

There are two main disadvantages to Linux web hosting and we will not ignore them in this review. The Linux web hosting is currently less friendly to the inexperienced web programmer and they cannot accommodate Windows applications.

When choosing to obtain Linux web hosting, you are choosing reliable web hosting, secure web hosting and much less expensive web hosting.

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