Knowhow-Now Article

Allergies And The Facts You Should Know About

Allergies are the exaggerated reaction our immune system has to foreign substances that come into contact with our bodies. These foreign substances are usually harmless but to individuals who suffer from allergies common and usually harmless substances can trigger allergic reactions such as stuffy noses, itchy, watery eyes, hives, coughing, wheezing, vomiting, stomach upset and also diarrhea. Those substances that can produce these allergic reactions are called, "allergens". Allergens can be common substances such as food, pollens, dust mite, molds, pet dander, exercise, cold temperatures even the sun.

The word allergy comes from the Greek words "allos," meaning different or changed and the word "ergos", meaning work or action. Together they mean a changed or altered reaction. Statistically more than 50 million Americans suffer from allergic symptoms. There are more than $10 billion dollars in cost associated with allergies each year.

Tip: Go to an allergist to have a skin test done so that you'll know exactly which allergens you should avoid. For example, the results of a skin test will reveal whether you are allergic to pollen, mold, pet dander or other allergens.

Not everyone develops allergies even when they are exposed to the same allergens. The immune system is different even between individuals in the same family. The immune system is how the body organizes the defense mechanism that puts up a fight against invaders such as infections, and antigens such as dust mites, molds, dust mites etc.

The allergic reactions do not make it known on the first contact but after a period of sensitization. Individuals a develop allergies at any age. Adults can have symptoms for the first time or they can first develop symptoms as kids. It seems that hereditary places a major role in the occurrence of allergies.

Tip: While allergy tests are a good way to determine which allergens will affect you, these tests cannot determine how much those allergens will affect you. For example, the test may show that you have an allergic reaction to mold.

Statistically, if neither of your parents is allergic, the chance that you will have allergies is about 15%. If one parent is allergic, your risk increases to 30% and if both are allergic, your risk is greater than 60%. Just because your parents have allergies does not mean that you will too. There is also the fact that environment place a major role in the presence of allergens. Basically you must have a genetic tendency for being allergic to a certain allergen and then be exposed to that allergen for it to develop. Other influences on whether or not someone will develop allergies are the presence of pollution, infection, hormones, and also smoking.

There are body parts that individuals have that are more likely to react to allergens such as your eyes, nose, skin, stomach and also your lungs.

Allergies can be seasonal, chemical in nature, chronic, mild or severe. Hives, coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath, itching, watering, or inflammation like a stuffy nose can manifest allergies.

Some individuals are allergic but hardly notice the symptoms while others are bothered greatly by their symptoms, even so much so, that the symptoms disrupt their life and cost them a lot regarding medical treatments, doctor bills and prescription costs.

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