Knowhow-Now Article

Always A Wedding Planner Never A Bride

The romance exuded by weddings makes wedding planning an extremely exciting business. People who are romantic by nature and who has a strong business sense stand a good chance to succeed as a wedding planner. The passion for putting together all the elements of a beautiful wedding ceremony, reception and after party event and the business acumen are the basic requirements for a wedding planner to succeed in the business.

With that passion and talent, imagine if it is the planner’s own wedding. That would be a showcase; yet some planners tend to think that after planning and executing wedding plans, one can get tired too to opt for a simple, but elegant affair.

The Logic behind Choosing a Career Path

How does a wide-eyed passionate romantic get into the career path of a wedding planner? The gutsy ones can make a nose-dive, take the bull by the horn an start one’s own wedding planning business with, perhaps a degree on business or some other related field. Alternatively, one may opt to be savvy and take the longer route – learn the ropes from someone known in the business, rise from the ranks and work all odd to important jobs.

Tip: If you are planning a wedding outside, always make sure that you have a 'plan b' in case mother nature does not cooperate. You can rent a couple tents or look for a venue with a hall and a park.

Why is starting from the bottom a savvy way to be a successful planner? The entry level as an on-site wedding coordinator gives one the opportunity to learn everything there is to learn about wedding planning. As a lowly coordinator, one has to deal with almost everyone – venue administrators and flower arrangers, caterers and cake bakers, photographers, makers of invitations, chapel or church decorators, etc. Thus, this is when you get the opportunity to learn every protocol about wedding planning.

If you can have the opportunity to work with different reputable planners, you emerge as a well-rounded and extremely proficient wedding planner yourself. This career path involves no risks in terms of investment, but you may just earn a measly salary compared to how much you can make out were you own the wedding planning business.

Steps in Launching your Own Wedding Planning Business

After patiently taking the long route, you must be too eager to start your own brand of wedding planning service. What fundamental steps must you go through to get through a successful launch?

Step 1 – Learn the ropes of the trade theoretically and practically.

How do you learn what you need to learn? A related academic coursework helps tremendously to learn the foundation and basic rules and protocols of business and wedding planning in particular. Join professional groups to meet the right connections and opportunities. Aside from starting as an entry-level on-site wedding coordinator, you can volunteer to plan weddings of family and friends. Visit the websites of experienced wedding planners to find out if they accept apprentice or interns; otherwise write them to ask.

Step 2 - Fix all papers to make your operation legit.

Get things right the first time by consulting with a lawyer who can guide you with all the legal aspects important in putting up a business. Whatever structure you may decide, find out what documents are necessary as well as licenses, accreditations and important memberships that you need to get or work out.

Step 3 – Develop a business plan that spells out marketing strategies and building of brand.

Success is more likely when the business follows a plan like a blueprint that directs the activities and strategies towards the attainment of business goals. The business plan can also integrate the kind of image or brand you want your company to be known for. You develop the business along this line. Choose strategies and marketing programs that are low on cost but come big in returns.

Step 4 – Develop your business around a particular goal that aims to build and nurture relationships with clients.

The word by mouth advertisement is so powerful. Every wedding that you successfully plan and implement to completion has all the contented guests as witnesses. These people are your advertisers. Joining local associations can build your ties with prospective clients.

Being a wedding planner entails being a Jack-Of-All-Trades. You will decide on so many crucial matters. Your creativity, discriminating taste, acumen, and foresight can either make or break a union of two kindred souls and can spell success or failure of a very important event in their life. It is a backbreaking job, but a successful business is rewarding. With the experience, who knows, but your wedding may just be the next wedding to plan.

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