Knowhow-Now Article

There are very few things that are as resilient and durable as a natural tooth, say Colorado Springs dentists, Dr. Morgan and Dr. Rogers. They can withstand decades of grinding, incising and even neglect and abuse. But your pearly whites are far from invulnerable. It only takes a single unfortunate accident, a cavity or deep fissure to compromise the health of one or more of your teeth. And when this happens, root canal therapy can be all that stands between keeping your natural tooth and having it extracted and replaced with implant teeth. In this three-part article series, Colorado Springs dentists will be addressing some of your frequently asked questions about the procedure that literally saves teeth; root canal therapy.

FAQ 1: What is root canal therapy and how can it save me from needing implant teeth?

Answer: Root canal therapy is a procedure used to eliminate bacterial infection and decay that is affecting the internal structure of the tooth; the pulp chamber. Root canal therapy, say Colorado Springs dentists, is designed to save teeth that have become so damaged or decayed that they would otherwise require extraction and replacement with implant teeth.?

FAQ 2: What might cause one to need a root canal?

Answer: Think back to those biology classes on the anatomy of tooth structure…

Beneath the hard outer layer of the tooth crown, the enamel, and the softer dentine, lies the vulnerable heart of the tooth, explain Colorado Springs dentists. It is here that the delicate collection of nerves and blood vessels responsible for keeping the tooth ‘alive’ are housed. Now, at any given moment, our mouths are teeming with bacteria. Most of these micro-organisms are harmless, and in fact, even essential in the maintenance of good oral health, say Colorado Springs dentists. But there are many opportunistic pathogens that, if given the chance, will colonize, causing infection and decay. Opportunity can come in the form of a cavity, crack or deep fissure in the tooth structure caused by either accidental trauma or poor oral hygiene. With direct access into the tooth, bacteria can cause an infection of the pulp chamber, which would otherwise cause the tooth to die and eventually fall out. Root canal therapy, explain Colorado Springs dentists, is a procedure designed to eliminate this infection and in doing so, prevent the necessity of extraction and replacement with implant teeth.

FAQ 3: Does root canal therapy hurt?

Answer: The question asked most frequently by patients! It is of course the priority of Colorado Springs dentists to ensure that a patient’s experience is as pain and anxiety-free as possible. As such, measures including the use of sedative medication and anesthesia are used to render a root canal therapy painless. If you are particularly worried about the pain – which is a very common concern according to Colorado Springs dentists – remember this: an infection of the pulp chamber of the tooth is incredibly painful. After all, this is where all the nerves of the tooth are housed. So the discomfort you experience prior to having root canal therapy is really the worst part of it all, say Colorado Springs dentists! The actual procedure is always carried out under local or general anesthesia (depending upon the complexity of the case), so you need not worry about pain and discomfort.

Colorado Springs Dentists: Stay Tuned…

For more frequently asked questions about root canal therapy and how it can save you from requiring implant teeth, stay tuned for the second installment of this three-part article series, courtesy of qualified and experienced Colorado Springs dentists, Dr. Morgan and Dr. Rogers.

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