Knowhow-Now Article

Roundabouts are a common feature of roadways in the United Kingdom; so it’s surprising how many licensed motorists don’t know how to properly manoeuvre through these circular junctions. Rather than continuing to guess your way through roundabouts, it’s wise to learn exactly how you’re actually meant to approach them. Reminding yourself of the rules of roundabouts will not only help you avoid glares from annoyed motorists, but it can also help prevent serious, injury-inducing or fatal collisions.

Perhaps the largest misconception of roundabouts is that they represent a standard stop junction. When many motorists reach a roundabout, they bring their vehicle to a full stop and then look to the right for any oncoming traffic. Though it is indeed important to take account of traffic coming from the right and yield accordingly, there may be no need to make a full stop at the give-way line.

Drivers are advised to slow as they approach the roundabout while at the same time scanning the junction for oncoming traffic. If the roundabout is clear, there is no need to make a complete stop at the give-way line. In fact, stopping at the give-way line can confuse other motorists and cause unnecessary traffic jams. However, it’s important to recognise that many motorists will continue to make full stops at the give-way line, despite the roundabout being clear. So, never assume that the driver in front of you will carry on through the roundabout and keep a safe stopping distance in case they decide to stop.

Another confusing element of roundabouts is the exiting process. One of the major mistakes motorists make is incorrect signalling. Though mistiming your indicator lights or ignoring them altogether may not seem like a big deal, it can cause serious confusion and lead to dangerous and even fatal accidents. When roundabouts are used properly, they are a great way for traffic to flow fluidly toward various directions; but communication among drivers is crucial to their success.

When turning left at a roundabout, signal left and approach in the left-hand lane. Remain in the left-hand lane as you exit. If you wish to go straight through a roundabout, do not signal as you approach in the in the left-hand lane, but instead wait until you are about to reach your exit. For right turns on roundabouts, signal right and approach the junction in the right-hand lane. As you pass the exit before the one you wish to take, signal left to indicate that you will be leaving the roundabout.

The author of this article is a part of a digital marketing agency that works with brands like Shoosmiths. The content contained in this article is for information purposes only and should not be used to make any financial decisions.

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