Knowhow-Now Article

Back Pain Remedies

Before identifying back pain remedies, the reasons and causes for a back pain need to identified. Often a back pain is caused as a result of obesity, pregnancy, job-related postures, stooping, related stressful postures or occasionally spinal complications. The vicious flow does not stop there as it is followed by unwanted injury to the back, that result in degenerative conditions such as osteoporosis, slipped-discs or other spinal-cord and bone malfunctions. While the causes of backaches can be countless, it is important that the reason be identified and thereby applying its corresponding back pain remedy.

Prevention is better than cure. This statement applies not only contractible diseases but also that of a simple back pain. If proper practices are encouraged from one’s younger days a common back pain can easily be prevented. First and foremost, exercise is important in preventing an unwanted back pain. This will not only help one increase their strength, flexibility but also their resistance capabilities. This is followed by maintenance of the correct Body Mass Index (BMI), i.e. – the corresponding height as per one’s weight. Another very bad practice followed by most, especially those of whom who do not maintain the required BMI is not wearing comfortable shoes. It is important for an individual to ensure that they are comfortable in their shoes as opposed to merely looking fashionable in them. Furthermore, it is important that the correct type of mattress (medium-medium firm) and pillows are used in order to ensure the most comfortable posture whilst sleeping. Avoid lifting heavy objects; if it absolutely required do so the correct way.

Finally, it all comes down to the basics we all know and are not too keen on following: sit in an upright position when there is no adequate back rest and always maintaining good postures, may it be while walking, standing or even sitting. Interestingly enough, if these modes of preventing a backache are more closely looked at, it would be noticed that it is similar to the advice given as back pain remedies to one suffering from a backache. Of course, there are more medicinal back pain remedies such as treatment through antibiotics, ayurveda (eastern medicine) and acupuncture (eastern medicine) and physiotherapy so on and so forth. However, if correct posture is maintained from an early age, unwanted backaches and back pain remedies could undoubtedly be prevented.

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