Knowhow-Now Article

Baldness Solutions To End The Hair Raising Story Of Hair Loss

Hair is a striking feature of human body. Hair loss, especially by female/male pattern baldness is matter of great concern. Pattern baldness is particularly is very troubling condition. In this type of baldness the hair is regularly lost at both the temples and at top of the skull. At last the person is left with a horseshoe pattern in the head.

Tip: As hard as it may be to believe, relaxation through meditation may actually be effective at treating hair loss. Stress causes blood vessels to shrink, which means the blood cannot flow properly in your scalp, and your hair falls out.

Male pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia) is the chief devil that causes hair loss. With age one suffers from this disorder by acquiring the genetic predisposition and presence of male hormones. Contrary to the common perception, hereditary baldness is not a must in each generation. However, if one’s father is completely bald and one loses hair at an early stage, then he is said to be in male pattern baldness due to alopecia and 95% of complete baldness occurs by alopecia.

Tip: If your hair starts falling out, it might be because you are feeling particularly stressed. Take action to reduce your stress level at home and at work.

Excess amount of male hormone also causes hair loss. Besides, stress, improper nutrition and pollution together accelerate the baldness. One under stress will loss hair at double the speed of a normal human.

Tip: Take two minutes during the day to massage across your entire scalp. Better blood flow means healthier follicles and less hair loss.

Taking dietary supplement and/or external application of cosmetics is fruitless to stop baldness. Fortunately, there are several baldness solutions, the most popular ones being hair transplantation surgery, scalp reduction surgery and scalp flap surgery.

Tip: You should think about buying a wig if you are losing your hair. Before you are completely bald you can match the color of your hair to a wig.

There is no such thing as true hair transplant. Surgeons replace the bald area from some other hair-healthy area of the head. Hence, the name hair replacement transplant. Hair transplant works when there is enough donor hairs. Victims of female/male pattern balding are the best candidates for hair transplant. If you still have hair growing anywhere around the scalp flaps hair transplantation can be easy and effective.

Tip: Emu oil has some clinical support as a remedy for hair loss when rubbed into the hair and scalp. You need to rub the oil on your scalp before you go to sleep.

Scalp reduction surgery is a popular balding solution to cure the baldness caused by flaking scalps. It can be done in conjunction with hair transplants and involves surgically removing of a portion of the balding area, which causes the bald spot to be smaller. This means that there are fewer areas to graft to the head during a hair transplant.

Scalp flap is an invasive procedure that involves surgically removing a portion of healthy scalp and hair from the back or sides of the head and transplanting it on the bald areas. This creates a new hairline for the males who suffer from male pattern baldness. Scalp flaps are usually performed on patients who have complete balding in the front area of the scalp. Those candidates whose hair is just beginning to thin or is thinning in patches in random areas spanning the head may want to choose a different type of treatment.

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