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Bali Villa Rental For Holidays To Celebrate Balinese Culture

If you are thinking of going to Bali for a nice break, do consider the idea of going there when the province holds its cultural festivities. Then you will be able to see Bali and its people at their best. To get the most out of your visit, instead of staying at a hotel, try a Bali villa rental for holidays that celebrate Balinese culture.

Why a Bali Villa Rental for Holidays is the Better Choice

A Bali villa rental will provide you not only with the level of comfort or luxury you desire, it will also give you certain built-in services that will make your stay more enjoyable. Foremost among the perks of living in a villa would be the presence of household staff that can help you experience local culture to the fullest. With villa rentals, when you want to take time off from taking public transportation, you can request for the services of a driver who will take you where you want to go in the convenience of your own ride. Your housekeeper can also go around with you and take you to the best shops. More than that, he or she can help you understand the significance of the different Balinese festivities.

Enjoying Local Traditions from your Bali Villa Rental for Holidays

Your villa will allow you great opportunities to savor the little bits and pieces of Balinese culture that would be packaged in a commercial way when viewed from a readymade tour or hotel. Bali is a unique place and different aspects of life there must be viewed at leisure. It is different from other islands in predominantly Muslim Indonesia; its distinct culture is derived from its Hindu religion and traditions.

One of the first traces of this culture is this: everywhere in the island, you will find small leaf trays filled with offerings of flowers, cookies, salt and all kinds of things – even coffee and cigarettes. These are set out with burning incense sticks in restaurants, shops, houses and even in streets. Alongside these, you will find tiny shops where intricate sculptures are sold. Most of these would depict gods and goddesses - the most popular of which are beautifully carved statues of Rakasa, a toothy protecting demon armed with a club.

Tip: When traveling by car and have more than one licensed driver on board, it is a good idea to take turns driving. Consider taking more people on your trip if you are going far away.

If you choose the right location for your villa, it will be easy for you to see Bali dances and listen to gamelan ensemble performances with their drums, gongs, bamboo flutes, and plucked strings. You can also easily find occasions to watch and maybe even learn Balinese dances.

The dances of Bali alone are a wonder to behold. The most visually dramatic dances in the island are the barong (lion dance), the calonarang (a dance depicting the fight against evil spirits), the monkey dance (kecak) and the dance of the nymphs (legong keraton). Added to its beautiful dances, Bali is also home to shadow puppet shows (wayang kulit).

Festivals in Bali

Tip: When you begin planning your travel, check with major airlines to see if they offer e-newsletters. These newsletters are great if you want to take advantage of special offers, discounts and other exclusive perks.

The Galungan is the grandest festival in Bali – equal in importance to Christmas in the Christian world. This takes place every 210 days and lasts for all of ten days. It is a celebration of the descent of the ancestral spirits and gods to be with their descendants. During this period, families hold feasts and put up a penjor in front of their houses. This is a bamboo pole about 20 feet high decorated with lights, corn, coconuts and plaited palm leaves. Galungan ends with the Kuningan, when the gods and ancestral spirits leave again.

Another festival, Ogoh-ogoh day or Tawur Kesanga, takes place before Nyepi, the day of silence. During this festival, large and incredibly beautiful ogre effigies made of paper mache are brought to a platform and held up high to the loud sound of cymbals, gongs, and drums. This is done to ward off evil spirits.

A final word: try to catch a local village festival while you are in Bali. Each village has its own celebration and this is usually a real treat. Just remember that Bali holidays are scheduled according to the lunar (not the Gregorian) calendar so check the dates, make your arrangements and get ready for a grand time!

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