Knowhow-Now Article

Blue Ray Disc Player

Bluray technology is the newest to hit the stands. After the entire buzz about being able to store movies and what not on DVD’s and CD’s, we have now the newest way of storing all those movies and songs we are interested in. Bluray discs are very similar in look to DVD’s and CD’s but they have a lot more storage capacity than both combined. Capable of holding up to 50 GB of memory on one disc, this disc has become the new in-thing for all those techno buffs. It also offers the best quality when it comes to viewing movies. Capable of storing so much information, bluray discs can also store the information in high-definition formats, which shows pictures with 5 times more clarity than standard definition formats, the format that is supported by regular DVD’s.
A Blue ray disc player is one that is capable of reading bluray discs. These disc players come with different optical heads, as reading bluray discs is not the same as when reading DVD’s or CD’s. The wavelength of the laser used to read and write these discs are different from that of regular DVD’s and CD’s, which means there is a special blue ray disc player that has to be used to be able to use these discs. The blue ray disc player can be found available at many stores, online or otherwise. The prices of these players are a bit higher than those of standard players, but this could be because most of the blue ray disc players available are also compatible to read the normal DVD’s and CD’s available in the market currently. A blue ray disc player need not be able to read only bluray discs. There are models of blue ray disc players available that are backward compatible to DVD’s and CD’s as well. This backward compatibility means that the blue ray disc player can be used to read bluray discs, DVD’s and CD’s. If a blue ray disc player is not made so that it is compatible to the other formats as well, it would probably not sell as much in the current market, as bluray technology is just being introduced to the larger audience.
There are many companies that are involved in the production of the blue ray disc player. These companies include the well known Sony, Panasonic, Philips, Samsung and LG. As bluray technology is comparatively new, the standard DVD’s will probably coexist with this for some time, but after it has been popularized to a greater audience, the blue ray disc player will most probably be something that every household will own. If you feel the price of this blue ray disc player is too much for your pocket right now, there is no need to rush into buying one. As with any other electronic product, the price of the blue ray disc player is most likely going to reduce after more exposure of the technology.

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