Knowhow-Now Article

In our impatience to get into shape, build strength and stack on muscle, we often ignore some simple truths. For instance, you may not have exercised or challenged your muscles for years or you could have a chronic injury. You may have been a fit and strong guy or girl way back when you were at college, however you'll need to start a conditioning program first to lower the risk of injury. If you haven't kept up even a moderate fitness regime for the last 3-6 months then it is wise to go back to basics before commencing a heavy weigth training routine. What I mean by "back to basics" is to kick off your fitness program with simple core strength training via body weight only workouts.


To start with, perform around five to eight exercises without weights three times a week for 6 weeks. Focus on combination movements that hit the major muscle groups of the body. Incorporate lunges and squat jumps,push ups,crunches, side and front hovers - add in pull ups when ready. By doing this you reduce the chance of injury when you commence weight training with machines or free weights. Allow enough time between your sessions to rest the body and encourage muscle growth.


If you ease into your weight training program via body weight exercises you will experience these benefits:


More Gently Tone And Strengthen Core Muscles


Lower The Chance of Injury


Save On Gymnasium Membership Fees


Save On Equipment Outlays


Save On Time


Set Yourself Up For Success


Core Muscles Conditioned Naturally


You can begin with body weight only exercises by performing just 5 reps of each at first and increment by one every second day. After two weeks you will be doing 10 - 15 reps of each. This will condition your body efficiently. Many people commence weight training before their core muscles have even been toned.


Lower The Chance of Injury


When you start your exercise program you will of course incorporate barbell and dumbbell or machine based resistance exercises. By bringing your core strength up over a few weeks you may avoid the muscle strains that would otherwise plague you. Gradually your feeling of strength and capability will positively reinforce your exercise habit. Avoiding injury allows you to consistently workout and achieve your goals.


Save On Gymnasium Membership Fees


All you need is yourself and perhaps a bar to perform chin ups on. When you have transcended vigorous body resistance exercises, you are ready for something a little more challenging. If you lose the motivation to exercise (But you won't. Right?) then you have not wasted a lot of money on fees. If you can stick to 4-6 weeks of regular calisthenics, then you will have instilled a very positive habit into your mind.


Save On Equipment Outlays


As per the gymnasium fees, instead of racing out and spending up on lots of equipment, test your consistency in performing simple body weight routines first. Don't confuse a spare room full of weights and machines with getting fit and in shape. It begins in the mind with a promise to yourself to exercise regularly. Forget (just for a few weeks) the props and stick to simple strength training exercises. The "gear" can come later.


Save On Time


You want to get the best return on your time invested. Picture walking into your spare room or back yard and spending twenty to thirty minutes on moderate to vigorous calisthenics. You are finished and can hit the shower. No travel to and from the gymnasium, waiting for access to equipment or showers means huge time savings per week.


Set Yourself Up For Success


As mentioned earlier, success in a fitness or muscle building program depends more on your attitude than any equipment you may purchase. Positive reinforcement sets you up for success. You can achieve this by commencing with a simple set of body weight routines. Scale up the amount and intensity of exercise and over a short period of time you will be surprised at your results. You will have laid the foundation for the next level of muscle building and fitness.


There is a FREE 30 page white paper on The ABCs of BodyBuilding,Diet and Fitness, plus newsletter series for immediate download.You can have it by going to my Building Muscle Today site now at and downloading it. If you want to know the best ways of Building Muscle or What Is The Best Muscle Builder check out the site.

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