Knowhow-Now Article

Getting tickets cheapest from Delhi to Bangalore is no longer as tough as it seems. Just plan in advance and get the cheapest tickets on this route.


Delhi is the capital of the country and Bangalore is in an important metropolitan city with offices of so many big IT companies. For this very reason the air route between Delhi and Bangalore is one of the busiest air routes. Everyday dozens of flights connect these two important destinations. We all want to grab the cheapest tickets from Delhi to Bangalore. But this necessitates little planning and presence of mind.


Almost every domestic airline operates a flight or two on this busy route. Since there is more traffic on this route, it does not mean that you have to spend more money in case you want to take a flight between these two destinations.


The journey between Delhi and Bangalore takes almost thirty six hours if you take a bus or a train. So going by flight is the fastest and the most convenient option. It takes just three hours to reach Bangalore from Delhi on a flight. There are a number of low cost airlines which operate flights on this route. The most popular low frill airlines on this route are Indigo, Spice Jet, Jet Airways Konnect, Go air and Jet Lite. All these airlines offer cheapest tickets for Delhi to Bangalore flights.


Airlines such as Kingfisher, Air India and Paramount offer tickets which are generally priced higher than those offered by above mentioned airlines. One can get the cheapest tickets by following few simple tips.


What most people do not know about these low cost airlines is that one can avail practically avail sixty percent to ninety percent discount on base fare of your domestic flight booking in case you purchase a ticket fourteen days prior to your travel date. Few airlines like indigo enable you to buy a flight ticket for merely Rs.1.00 in case you get your bookings done ticket fourteen prior. When you purchase a flight ticket fourteen days in advance, you just have to pay money for fuel surcharge and few other taxes like UDF etc.


so whenever you plan an air journey also try to getting bookings done for return journey as well. This way again you will able to save approximately Rs.400 on your local flight bookings.


The key to grabbing cheapest flight tickets is to plan before time and get the bookings done online in order to avail best discounts and offers. Few airlines on Delhi Bangalore route give you the option to book your meal .There are other airlines which sell meals on board. So book your meal in advance and enjoy your Delhi Bangalore flight at the cheapest possible fare.

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