Knowhow-Now Article

Buying A Plasma TV

Well, you have finally bit the bullet and decided that
you simply must have a plasma TV. How much will you
spend, and what can you expect for your money?
Prices have dropped significantly over recent years
but it is still a case of you get what you pay for'.
For about $600 you can expect to get a fifty inch,
average quality set. It doesn't have the performance
level of the better known brands (or the price tag!)
but could perform adequately in a family situation.
$850 will buy you a well known brand (50 inch)
replete with 3D display,better picture quality and sharper
images. Brighter colors balance the better black'
that everyone raves about and is more suited to movies
than the previous set-up.
$900+ will get you a cinema quality picture (50 inch)
which is what most people want. The color saturation
is superb with excellent black levels. An anti-glare
feature means that this TV is able to be watched even
under bright lights.
Care should be taken when deciding on what size screen
to purchase. It is no good having one wall of your
home covered by TV when you have to sit at the far end
of the room to watch it comfortably!
Budget deals are available and it normally carries
that the smaller the screen the lower the price.
However, as with all new innovations, we usually want
something bigger and better than we had before. Small
fifteen inch screens are available at present but this
rather defeats the object of having cinema style

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