Knowhow-Now Article

Buying home insurance in india Online from one of the top home insurance companies of indiawill help you keep your home away from all kinds of perils. It will also help you keep your property safe from man-made and natural calamities.

There is no doubt that owning a home in India was a distant dream to many in earlier days due to the lack of funds, lower living standards etc. However, this is no more the scenario now. The real estate market has grown at a huge pace. In fact, it is one of the most developing areas in India these days. People are getting financial help in the form of loans from banks and other reputed institutions exponentially.

Once you have bought a home, it is your duty to protect it from all kinds of perils that it might come across in future. This is the best way to save your money and property from getting damaged. Understand that a home is the biggest and costliest asset of your life. Hence, it is important to protect it from varied types of perils that you come across. Buying a home insurance in india will help you great deal in this regard.

Here is a list of areas usually covered under home insurance in india Online:

•    Fire
•    Thefts and Burglaries
•    Explosions
•    Earthquake
•    Floods
•    A lot more

The premium amount for home insurance in india is calculated keeping in mind, the following factors:

•    Area of the house
•    Permanent construction on the land
•    Location and neighbourhood
•    Approximate rate of building

Home Insurance Claim

The claim settlement procedure home insurance will include the following:

•    Personal information such as the contact details
•    Details of the policy bought
•    Examination of the site by the corporation appointed inspector
•    Claim is processed within 2 weeks of the complete certification

Documentation required

The top home insurance companies of india will follow a permanent procedure to resolve the insurance claim. You must submit accomplished official papers in order to secure the claim process. These include the following listed below:

•    Copy of the FIR
•    Duly completed and signed claim form
•    Copies of all invoices
•    Price lists
•    A Final Police Report
•    Letter of indemnity

It is possible to retrieve the best benefits of home insurance in india only if you focus on buying in from one of the top home insurance companies of india. Here is brief explanation on the best companies in this regard:

ICICI Lombard - Icici Lombard Home Insurance

The plan will insure your home and its insides against natural calamities such as fire, earthquake, flood, gas cylinder explosion, fire due to electric short circuit and man-made disaster like robbery.


Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd.

The company is a government undertaken corporation in India. It will help you with home insurance plan that best suits your budget.

National Insurance Company Ltd.

The company offers home insurance plans to keep your home safe from various natural and man-made calamities.


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