Knowhow-Now Article

How To Create Your Own Natural Pheromone Based Perfumes And Colognes

Humans and animals send out chemical substances known as pheromones. Other bodies choose these pheromones as indicators and subconsciously act in response to them. In fact, pheromones are not reproduced in any laboratory work since it is naturally released by the body’s cells. However, mixing all different chemicals that appeal particular parts of human brain has been a vocation for scientists for many years. There are some techniques where you could extract natural pheromones from human body along with laboratory work, but this could be lengthy and costly. Let's see on how to create natural pheromones in perfumes and colognes without spending much.

1. Buy aromatherapy oils that you want. Opt for aromas that have been studied to be effective in improving one’s mood, enhancing sexuality, and increasing one’s emotions. Also, if you're trying to create a perfume, you must choose 2-3 essential oils to complete the density of a cologne or a perfume.

2. Try to layer the essentials for you to have more natural pheromones that would result to a mood or fragrances that you desire. Choose what oils is for your top note, middle note, and base note. Top note refers to the lightest scents, with either minty or citrus tones. Middle note must be a strong herbal or floral scent. Base note is the main scent, so select a subtle aroma with woodsy or oak tones. When these fragrances are layered, they will create mood sensors in which can work as pheromones.

3. Mix all three notes and make sure to ask for assistance. If you want, you could as well order synthetic pheromones that can mimic the scents of natural pheromones.

4. Combine all the fragrances you want. So, you ate now prepared to smell your own creation of perfume and cologne. Put three drops of each three oils with a 1/4 cup of pure grain alcohol. Add 2 drops if you have already added pheromones in your mixture. Mix it well.

5. Store the mixture for 3 days. Add 4 drops of water then mix it well. Try to smell the fragrance. Think if it’s the odor you want to have. If it is not the fragrance, then put it back where you store it and leave it for another week. Add more water on the mixture.

With the simple instructions above, one can  have his or her cheap and personalized own natural pheromones scent. Try these procedures and see if it’s the one that suits your desires.

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