Knowhow-Now Article

Chronic Back Pain

If you are suffering from chronic pain, the brain receives signals not to do certain activities such as sitting, walking or lying. Chronic pain can be associated with aching and throbbing. In some cases it can be dull whilst in others it could be sharp. The commonly affected areas in the human body will be cervical area, neck region, thoracic region, mid back region and lower back or lumbar region. Chronic pain increases due to the stress that weight of the top part of the body creates on the lumbar area. Most chronic back pains occur as a result of bending and sitting excessively.

There are number of factors which contribute to chronic back pain and no one case is the same as the other. It affects patients depending on their age or as a result of an injury or slipped disc. Chronic back pains are often found in aged people due to the degradation of the spinal bones either by osteoporosis or arthritis. Injury at a young age will not have the same effect as when you are grown up.

Tip: If you are predisposed to back injuries - either genetically or through your lifestyle choices - then protect yourself by getting in the habit of regular chiropractor visits before you feel pain. Adjustments to your back that are made by a chiropractor can correct mis-alignments before they create a major problem.

Very often people suffer from chronic back pain due to shift between the vertebrae often known as herniated disc slip. In some patients this will show no effect whilst in some it can create chronic back pains.

Chronic back pain leads to depression for the patient if they are not able to find a cure for chronic back pain. One needs to mentally calm and understand how the ‘’body and mind ‘’ works. By doing so, a solution can be sought for the chronic back pain. Many doctors have advised that chronic back pains are caused by emotional turmoil’s. Hence medicine will not work for emotional pain.

Tip: Be careful about the way you are sleeping. When you sleep on your back, you can alleviate some back pain, and can even place a heating pad underneath for more relief.

Exercise is considered to be a method where chronic back pain gradually reduces. However if a patient is suffering severely from chronic back pain, exercise will not be a suitable option. Patients often turn to other medical treatments such as massages, acupunctures or lumbar supports. These need to be approved by a doctor. The patient needs to make sure that it does not chronic back pain does not worsen.

The patient needs to have faith and work along with the doctor as well as the physiotherapist. The patients need to understand how their body and mind works so that they will able to find cure on their own.

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